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  • "How ya doin'?" You know, if it wasn't for Pine and you things would be mighty dull around here. It's such a great site and it would be greater if the membership would contribute. Anyway, I enjoy your stuff. Best wishes for a New Year. I Used the soda bottle in a skite I did at work. I filled it with coloured water to make it look real. :Smile2:
    Check received. I feel bad for dragging you down the road for a ridiculous expensive postage for a soda bottle. I hope your doing well.
    My sincerest apologies; I don't know where the time went. Thank you so very much for my new trophy. Coming your way next week is a draft to cover the postage. Thanks again Roybrew - I appreciate your kind gesture. Trust all is well in your camp.
    Oh you didn't have to do that. Glad you got it.
    Yes, I would like to have a bottle of Frostie. Let me know the shipping cost.

    The Reverend Brother Mark, OSA
    c/o 47 Ballantyne Avenue
    Cambridge, Ontario
    CANADA: N1R 2R9

    You want a case of 4? Vanilla root beer?
    I'll get them in the mail next week.
    Hi! Luvs the stuff you write; and your great wit and charm too. :Smile2:
    Thank you. Been a little busier then normal here, sorry I haven't posted anything. We've had a lot of storms pop up here, like every other day. Fall is coming, and that brings great camping weather.
    ...just dropping by to say hello. Glad you are on the site. It would be great if there were a few more of us wowing the readers. Anyway, trust all is well in your neck of the woods. The season seems to be a little slow for me this year though I've planned a week in July, two in August, and a basecamp in the middle of September. I hope it all goes.
    Oh hello, I never notice when I have mail. My apologies for not responding. All's well here. I'm guessing I just saw your post of the moose, is it mooses or maybe meese like goose and geese, so you are in Algonquin. I hope the weather is good, and not hindered by the smoke of the fires.
    I hope it's a happy happy day for you! In your honour I will stop in at our local bakery and purchase a small cake and sing, or groan, or possibly say "Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Roybrew, H..A..P..P..Y birthday to you. I hope you like chocolate because that is what I intend to buy. Best wishes my Outdoor Basecamp friend.
    Happy Christmas "Roybrew", to you and your family. It's been great fun reading your posts and learning from you. I'm looking forward to seeing more in the new year.
    ...just stopping by to say hello and tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. It's really quiet in my neck of the woods. My first trip will be on the Saugeen River come June 10th. Other trips are planned for July, August, and September. It's too early - but I'm hoping the September trip will be for ten days.
    Well, well, well -----> the "Chief" adds another year to his life. My sincere best wishes for a pleasant day and a blessed New Year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Excellent "stuff" as usual Roybrew. You are far ahead of me this year. Covid is still taking its toll in this area and movement is still very much restricted. I didn't comment on the post as we need to see others online. I always enjoy what you post. Trust all is well in your camp.
    I hope you have a fabulous day! I tend to avoid birthday parties BUT I always take the cake and cash especially chocolate cake. :rolleyes:
    Really sorry to hear about your situation Roybrew; I wish I could be of help to you and the family.
    It's happening here too and our government has allocated billions in compensation packages, deferred tax returns, and taxes, mortgage payments and made unemployment benefits more readily available and job protection plans. But all said and done - people are beginning to hurt.
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