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  1. Nature25

    Onion skin hamburger

    There is nothing better than a burger on the grill. When I am out camping I always try and make something a little different. This is how I found this recipe for Onion Skin Hamburger. The first thing you do is cut a large onion in half cross-wise and remove the center. Mix up hamburger with...
  2. Nature25

    Gifts For A Camper Who Has It All

    My friend has a birthday coming up and he is obsessed with camping. He has everything imaginable that is camping related and I just don't know what to get him. Is there something new that has just come out that campers just can't live without?
  3. Nature25

    New to Boulder Climbing

    I have never been rock climbing before and I am really interested in getting started on boulder climbing. I'm not sure if I should start out at a climbing gym first to assess whether or not I am strong enough to boulder climb or if I should just go for it. Any suggestions?
  4. Nature25

    Handling Fish That Have Spines

    I am new to the freshwater fishing scene and was wondering how to handle a fish that has spines. I know that Catfish have them and they contain a poison that will sting you if handled wrong. I would like to know if there are other fish out there that will do the same thing and how they should be...
  5. Nature25

    Camping on a State Park Campground or Not?

    I've been tent camping for a few years now and I have only camped on State Park Campgrounds because of the amenities that are included onsite. I was wondering what the advantages or disadvantages are to camping on a non-State Park Campground site?