To Buy a Rear Or a Roof Bike Rack?

Many cyclists make the decision to invest in a bike rack to enable them to take their bikes with them to sites that would be inconvenient or impossible to reach by riding their bikes from where they live. Mountain biking cyclists may choose to buy bike racks to allow them to reach pristine locations in […]

How to Sharpen a Knife

As any outdoors enthusiast or avid camper knows, a sharp knife is one of the most important tools that they can have in the wilderness. Knives are versatile tools that can be used for a variety of purposes such as cutting wood for kindling, scaling fish, and even for protection. A well prepared person is […]

Kayak Fishing Tips

Kayak fishing is an exciting and growing hobby that offers a blend of two already enjoyable activities: fishing and kayaking. However, as with any outdoor hobby, there are certain Do’s and Don’ts to follow that can make the difference between an enjoyable day outdoors and one that makes you wish you had stayed indoors. Particularly […]