I am not happy. It's not time to quit fishing yet. I went past there today and they were taking down the sign for the season. I guess I could still ask if I could go fish if I wanted to. We've had temperatures up in the 70's all week so I don't know why they quit.
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You can still go to lakes and other places. If they know how well you like their place, they may let you continue until you want to quit. I would ask anyway, it wouldn't hurt.
Maybe they have a set day that they close by. Perhaps they don't want to pay people to work there after a certain day. Are there ever people there working? It's going to be in the 60s here all next week!
Could be that it's time to restock and let the small fish grow. Don't be upset. Just look forward to next season and in the meantime, explore other possibilities. You may find a spot you like better.
Lakes that are fished hard need to rest. So do the people that run the place. Just let your enthusiasm continue to build until it reopens. Now you can be happy again.