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Old 09-01-2010, 12:08 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Charlene View Post
... but I can see that there is a definite disconnect with most folks and their food supply now. Food for them comes prepackaged in a grocery store and most of it is made in a lab.
Well put. This is my thought as well.

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Old 09-16-2010, 08:41 PM   #12
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I had a girlfriend once who chastised me for going deer hunting. I guess she thought I was going out to kill Bambi for the sport of it. My problem with her argument was that she was telling me what an awful thing I was about to do to a poor defenseless animal while having dinner with me at a fashionable restaurant. The girl was eating a steak!

So......I proceeded to tell her that I was a much better person than she was because she was perfectly willing to pay someone else to do her killing for her. Need;ess to say, I never saw her again. Pity. She was a nice enough girl. She just wasn't thinking straight.

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Old 11-15-2010, 10:50 AM   #13
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i look at it this way. hunters control the deer population so they don't get sick or become overpopulated. i know there is alot of money that goes towards conservation with folks who hunt. There are always gonna be people who ask why? but if you enjoy hunting then don't worry about the questions.

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Old 11-18-2010, 02:45 AM   #14
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I am so glad I live in Montana where hunting is more the lifestyle than not. We do have our fair share of anti-hunters, anti-gunners, etc and once even had a PETA display in front of town hall with a nekkid woman wearing a fish suit protesting that fishing hurt fish. Don't know how they figured that one out, but a few folks counter demonstrated with a PETA sign that stated People Eating Tasty Animals! They kept their clothes on!

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Old 11-18-2010, 08:28 AM   #15
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I've never met, never seen a PETA member. But I've read plenty about their philosophy. I remember a few years back when they were picking on Kenny Rogers because his chicken farms de-beaked the chickens. They said it was cruel and inhuman to remove the beaks. In actuality, de-beaking does not mean cutting the entire beak off as this would, in the majority, cause the chicken to bleed to death. I've de-beaked chickens myself and all you do is clip off the sharp hawklike tip. The reason this is done is to keep the birds from cannibalizing eachother. The type of bird this is done to is called a meat bird. These are bred for their size and muscle development. Typically this bird is bigger because it is more aggressive. They will eat eachother because for them life is a constant search for food. But PETA didn't check on this.

As Mountainman said, PETA also says that hook and line fishing is cruel because it hurts the fish. They used to have billboards that showed a hook in a dog's mouth and asking if you would do this to your dog. Well, I wouldn't but then my dog will fetch my slippers and go to the refrigerator and bring me a cold beer. The fact is fish are cold blooded and don't possess the nerve tissue or the brain capacity to feel pain. So, we have to assume that PETA means you are hurting the fish emotionally. I don't think so. Fish don't have emotions. They live in an extremely violent world and eat their own young. It seems PETA didn't check on this either.

Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it bother you when people make judgments without having the facts? People seem to be willing to become righteously indignant over some things they "feel" are correct. They also parrot things other people say. If they say it often enough, it becomes their truth. And they say things like "Everyone knows that.". Truth is for philosophers. Facts are what we use to formulate judgments and decisions.

My daddy taught me to question everything, research and make my own decisions.

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Last edited by dinosaur; 12-01-2010 at 08:57 AM.
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:42 PM   #16
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I have most recently moved to the city and their are plenty of Anti-hunters. I just stand my ground, explain why I do, and walk a way. No sense in arguing with them.

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Old 11-18-2010, 09:17 PM   #17
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Opening week seems to bring them out of the woodwork! I also have issues with people feeling free to voice their opinion. It isn't like I am forcing them to eat what I shoot or go with me.

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Old 11-18-2010, 11:09 PM   #18
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Maybe they should be forced to go along. Maybe they should be put into a position where they would have to fend for themselves without being able to order a meal by phone or make a reservation at some fashionable restaurant. Maybe they should be forced to cook their own dinner and have to butcher it first. Maybe they should understand what it takes to put a sirloin into those neat little packages in the supermarket. Maybe all of the people who condemn us for killing animals should be put in a large plot of ground with game and a promise that food is of the offing if they can get it.

Maybe hell will freeze over. Maybe the righteously indignant will grow a brain and not just an emotional bladder.

Don't hold your breath waiting for it.

Last edited by dinosaur; 12-01-2010 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 11-21-2010, 08:29 PM   #19
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Best thing you can do is ignore them, often they are trying to get you riled enough to assult them, then they can show that hunters are out of control gun toting nuts that don't care about anyone or anything. I don't even try to explain why I hunt to them anymore, I just get away from them ASAP. Besides I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Most states now have "Hunter Harassment Laws to protect the hunter, and to prevent the anti's from confronting you.
Steve Albers

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Old 11-30-2010, 09:58 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Luvoutdoors View Post
I am not sure if it's just me or not but I seem to be running across an awful lot of people who are completely against hunting lately. It's not like these people are vegetarians or anything so I am really getting tired of the whole how can you kill an innocent aninmal argument. Especially considering that I live in Georgia and there are more deer than people here!
I kill deer and eat the meat with my family. Next time you run across one of those anti-hunters, ask em "who do you pay to kill your hamberger for you?" I'll bet they won't have an answer...lol. Paying for meat at the store promotes the killing of livestock and that's okay with them. Going out to hunt for meat is the SAME THING and they see it as wrong...us hunters just prefer a challenge instead of just buying meat at the store. At least the venison is free of any dyes, preservatives and other crap that gets put into store bought meat. I think venison is better for my family health-wise. Hunting to sustain your family is a fine, long-standing american tradition that i'm glad to have; I will definately pass it on to my 2 young sons when they get older.

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