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General Hunting Guns, safety and hunting in general

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  • 1 Post By CozInCowtown
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  • 1 Post By CozInCowtown
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Old 07-06-2012, 06:36 PM   #1
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Default Got my permit

I finally got to get the ball rolling for my concealed carry license. Now I just have to wait for the background check to be completed. I am going shopping this weekend for a carry gun. I have a Ruger SR9 and I LOVE it, but it's a little difficult to conceal.

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Old 07-07-2012, 09:26 AM   #2
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In my opinion the smaller the better.
I started with a small frame 38 special revolver and found it is still heavy and uncomfortable. Before long I had stopped taking it with me and thus useless.
I now carry a .38 Derringer, just drop it in the front pocket with the keys and nobody knows you have it.
Is it enough?? better than nuttin'.
It is just a "Get off me" gun. Better than a pocket knife that I also carry or nothing at all.

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Old 07-07-2012, 08:16 PM   #3
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We went looking today and I have just about made my mind up on the Ruger LC9. The grip was very similar to my SR9 but it should be a lot easier to conceal. I was going to go back and get it today (wanted a little time to mull it over) and they closed before I could get back. I did try some 38 spcl's and I really liked one of them, but the ammo is a good bit more. I want to be able to go out and practice a good bit. Hubby said he might get me that one for Christmas though. Now to find a holster...the dude at the gun store was convinced I was going to carry in my purse even though I said repeatedly I wanted it on my body. Other than that he was really nice and actually talked to me instead of just my husband.

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Old 07-07-2012, 08:34 PM   #4
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I get all squeamish when I even think about carrying a weapon. I understand why people do so, but I'm so afraid I'll have an accident with the children. I stay as far away from them as possible.

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Old 07-07-2012, 09:42 PM   #5
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The LC9 is what I am working towards for my new carry gun as well. Let me know if you find a holster that works, and I totally understand about wanting it on your body and not in your purse. Congrats on getting your license! Marshmallow the whole reason I carry is to protect my family.

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Old 07-08-2012, 09:22 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Marshmallow View Post
I get all squeamish when I even think about carrying a weapon. I understand why people do so, but I'm so afraid I'll have an accident with the children. I stay as far away from them as possible.
Hmmm..... do you drive a car or go to the doctors office?
I understand you are more likely to get hurt driving a car in traffic or even vsiting your doctor (malpractice) than getting hurt with a firearm.
I would dare to guess if somebody did the research you are much safer protecting yourself and children with a gun than being a unarmed victim of a criminal.
It is a personal choice and I completely understand why some folks choose not to own a firearm. It is a HUGE responsibility and the possibility of catastrophic failure is definately there. We are dealing with a deadly weapon and need to understand and respect it for what it is.
Also, the possibility of taking another human life, even during self protection, is a major psychological factor for a good person to deal with, it never goes away.
There are other effective non-lethal options available that are more suited for people uncomfortable with a firearm. I hope you will consider something like a stun gun to protect yourself and family. You can also get a extra or two for the kids o play with, they are loads of fun.

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Last edited by CozInCowtown; 07-08-2012 at 09:34 AM.
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Old 07-08-2012, 09:48 PM   #7
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Very nicely put Coz! I wish more people thought that way. My husband has tried to prepare me that I may get some looks or even rude comments because I am carrying and we have small children. I feel that it is my responsibility to protect them in anyway I possibly can, and having a gun on me gives me better odds.

Greatoutdoors I have found a few by watching youtube videos, I will try and post the links later. One of them is by a woman named Lima. My dad also told me that his friend could make me a leather holster specifically for my body measurements and my gun so I will probably do that.

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Old 07-13-2012, 08:32 AM   #8
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I like CCW because it eliminates any grey area in the law as it applies to transporting a firearm in a vehicle. Instead of having it cased and the ammo separated by so many feet or separated and locked in a glove box (whatever the law says in your particular state), you can just throw it all together without worry.

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Old 07-13-2012, 05:44 PM   #9
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Lorax, that is exactly the reason that I decided to get my permit. Once it gets here I can carry anyway I want because GA is an open carry or concealed carry state. I hate having to have the magazine and the gun itself separate. If something happens what are you gonna say "oh, excuse me I need to load my gun right quick"?

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