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General Hunting Guns, safety and hunting in general

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Old 11-22-2012, 12:46 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by TakeAHike View Post
We have had a couple of hunting accidents over the years where I am from and we also had a hunter who fell out of his stand and broke his neck. Hunting may not seem like it but it is a pretty dangerous sport. You need to be vigilant and stay visible. Besides, like others have said never take a shot you aren't sure of.
While hunting has it's dangers, the injuries and deaths that occur while hunting are usually because of hunters who refuse to take safety precautions seriously. The sad thing is that by the time they realize thier mistake it is too late to make it right.

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Old 11-22-2012, 12:50 PM   #12
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We just had a young man, 15, who fell off of a cliff and was killed. He and his Dad had separated and we going to meet up and he never showed up. They searched for him and found him on the fourth day. The little guy knew the area so I don't know why he fell, but it was fatal. Terrible tragedy for the whole community and especially for his family. I've lost a son but he was considerably older than this young man. Still hurt and I think about him every day. I can't imagine what it would be to lose a young man before his prime.


I know what you mean...it happened to me just a few short months ago. He was only nineteen years old.

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Last edited by Pathfinder1; 11-22-2012 at 12:51 PM. Reason: add verbage
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Old 11-22-2012, 07:03 PM   #13
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hummingbird is on a distinguished road

I'm so sorry to hear that Pathfinder and Scotty. My heart goes out to both of you. I will certainly be thinking about the family of the young man too.

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Old 11-22-2012, 09:25 PM   #14
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I am sincerely sorry to hear that, Pathfinder1. It's a tough road and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I have a son and a daughter left but you never get over the missing one. My son was 43 when he passed.

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Old 11-23-2012, 06:21 PM   #15
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How very sad! I seriously don't think there is enough training before people are giving licenses to carry and shoot a gun. You don't even need a license to have a shotgun right? I hate hearing stories about hunting accidents/incidents. Makes you wonder at times how many times they are not accidents?

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Old 11-23-2012, 06:52 PM   #16
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Well, the shootee was wandering around the woods at eventide wearing camo clothes instead of hunter orange. (Make that wandering around peoples back yards) This will not let the shooter off the hook but it was sure stupid of the shootee in my opinion. The shooter was also wandering around at eventide with a loaded rifle, even though he had lost his glasses earlier in the day. (He too was wearing camo clothes, irrelevant but shows his stupidity as well.)

Both these jerks were hunting with high powered rifles with houses within a few yards. The rifle was a .270 which shoots a bullet that can travel miles and is deadly to 600 yards. In my opinion, the shooter should be charged with involuntary manslaughter at the least. And my sympathy for the shootee is not very deep either. I do have deep sympathy for his family and my prayers go out to them.

The shootee was actually in the backyard of the lawyer that is going to try and defend the shooter. Very convenient, the lawyer didn't have to chase the ambulance for this case. My sympathy is very low for these guys because their stupidity gives all hunters a black eye and gives the anti gun crowd a lot more ammunition for their cause. But just remember, 79,999,999 gun owners did NOt accidently or on purpose shoot someone that day.

Tentrus, various state laws may let you own a shotgun or rifle without a license but to use them you have to have a license and all states require a hunter safety course to get that license. Obviously, these guys had a poor hunter safety instructor.

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