got a friend that likes deer heart, he boils it andd slices it for sandwiches. he also will soak the liver in saltwater for 8-12 hours,slices it an pan fries it.
I do not understand how people can eat it. My dad loves to eat every part of the the deer and I understand not wasting, but that is a little extreme for me. So I just give him all the 'extras' and he does what he wants with it.
Brother takes the hearts, I take the livers, but I still prefer the steaks. It's all a matter of tasters choice once you get past the "head game". We grew up in an era that we saved everything we could so there never was a head game for us.
riverhog, that sounds delicious. I admit I haven't really eaten much deer heart before but no point in wasting food. Normally I give the heart cooked to my dog for her supper but I've never had a deer-meat sandwich before. Mostly I use the meat to make jerky and steak.