Hunting shows are nearly all funded through product placement and promotion. Lever action rifles aren't what's being promoted very hard by manufacturers, so you don't see them. I saw one show a while back that featured a buffalo hunt with a .405 winchester M1895 (Teddy Roosevelt's favorite rifle). You'll also rarely see a gun with a finely figured walnut stock, or one that's not brand new for that matter. Hunting shows are essentially infomercials meant to make the viewers feel that they need newer and "better" equipment, or risk failure in the field. I laugh every time I see a pickup truck with commercial camo trim, a trailer with a couple brand new ATV's, several trunks of gear, and two couch potatoes at the helm after a weekend at the hotel bar and sleeping in the woods, driving home with no deer. I prefer to look at the things that have been used for a half-century or better when I consider gear, if it's been around that long, it works.