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Old 01-10-2013, 06:03 AM   #1
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Default Why Would You Own An Assault Rifle?


Interesting and current topic since we're already talking about gun bans. Actually is there a need for this question? What is your position on this?

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Old 01-10-2013, 06:16 AM   #2
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Damn right! It's none of your business! Why would I explain myself to anybody. I don't own an assault rifle but I'm all about defending right of those who do and want to own!

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Old 01-10-2013, 07:11 AM   #3
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Actually an assault rifle is capable of fully automatic fire, while the term "assualt weapon" one created by gun controllers is any rifle we don't like...or maybe a shotgun or pistol, depending on how we feel.

The SMLE MkIII was the "assault weapon" of it's day- in skilled hands, it was capable of such rapid fire that Germans facing British soldiers using them thought that they were facing machine guns (WWI).

The SMLE, for those who don't know, is a bolt action rifle.

This is the first step in a total firearms ban with confiscation, and if you catch the gun controllers in an honest moment, they will admit it.

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Old 01-10-2013, 08:15 AM   #4
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As to "why" we need 'assault' (big mag, semi-auto) weapons...we don't NEED them...we just want them...!! They're out there, so we want to include them in our gun collections. Pride in ownership, machismo, have lots of money to spend, fun on the target range, whatever.

However, I'm 6'-2" tall...weigh close to 300-pounds...and wear a size sixteen boot. Were I ever inclined to 'assault' anyone...I probably wouldn't even need a weapon...!! (Hope that size sixteen boots don't get banned, though)...!!

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Old 01-10-2013, 08:22 AM   #5
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Size 16 boots might be banned because their capacity for anal damage is too high for reasonable purposes.

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Old 01-10-2013, 08:43 AM   #6
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Many years ago I purchased a Rossi .38, .357Magnum lever action rifle. I showed it to my Dad and asked him: "Do you know why I bought that rifle?". He said without hesitation: "Yeah, because you wanted it.".

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Old 01-10-2013, 08:48 AM   #7
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I don't own any guns but I have no desire to take them away from good people who do.

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Old 01-10-2013, 09:27 AM   #8
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Why do we produce cars and motor cycles that can push 200 MPH when the legal speed limit is between 55 and 85 depending on where you live? Because we want them, that's why. Same with Assault styled rifles. I like them, I would like to own one again, even though I have no place to really shoot it. I'd have to travel to do so. Do I need this hassle in my life? No, but I still would like to own one. I respect those who chose not to own a firearm. If you're not comfortable owning one, nobody should question that.

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Old 01-10-2013, 09:40 AM   #9
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What if I wanted a bazooka, anti-aircraft missiles, and a Barrett .50 cal in full auto?

Where does all that angst come from? What are you afraid of?

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Old 01-10-2013, 11:13 AM   #10
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If I assault you with a baseball bat, the bat is the weapon of the assault. And baseball bats are the number one weapon of violence. If a "black" rifle is an assault rifle, remember all the discussion we had about pink guns? Does color matter? Is an assault rifle one with a large capacity magazine? In my day we had the M-14. It had a 20 rd magazine. We would tape two magazines together, overlapped end for end and could change from one to the other in less than two seconds. Does a pistol grip on a rifle make it an assault rifle? No, it makes it easier to steady and gives the shooter better control over recoil. It is also much more awkward and inconvenient for carry so you don't see it on hunting rifles. Is it the semi-automatic feature that makes a rifle an assault rifle? My hunting rifle of choice is a semi-auto, my shotgun of choice is a semi-auto, my rimfire of choice is a semi-auto and my pistol of choice is a semi-auto. None of these were designed for warfare. They were all designed for hunting. So a ban on semi-automatic weapons would literally remove all of these firearms.

Our good friends in Australia recently removed all firearms from the public sector. The result; a 600% increase in violent crime the first year.

Ppine, you wonder what I worry about? Why am I paranoid. Let's start with this quote;

This year will go down in History.
For the first time, a Civilized Nation has full gun registration.
Our streets will be safer, Our police more efficient, and
the World will follow Our lead into the Future.

Quote: ~ADOLF HITLER - 1935~

Why is it that our leaders keep trying to override our Constitutional Bill of Rights by removing the second ammendment? Is it for public safety or is it for total control of the populace such as that implemented by Adolph Hitler? Answer me that so my fears will be alleviated.

The recent episode in Connecticut was a tragedy of utmost proportions. The news has kept us updated on every little detail, right down to the funeral for every one of those innocent children and their teachers. But has the news given us any information about another school shooting in Tennessee? When an armed gunman burst into a school in Tennessee, hero Carolyn Grudger immediately put a stop to that by killing the shooter. No students dead, no fancy rifle, no news.

How about Aurora, Colorado. We all can have the picture of Holmes and his orange hair in our minds, but how about the other shooting in Aurora.

Two Aurora Shootings: One Widely Known; the Other Ignored

Why is the media so preoccupied with one story but ignores the other completely? Is it just that horror stories sell more copy that good ending stories or do they and our governement officials have a bigger agenda they are trying to sell? Is our nation really that violent? Do we really need to disarm the populace? Well just how violent are me compared to other nations?

The real numbers

I leave it to you to decide. Just what is the agenda of our current politcians and mainstream media? As for me, yes, I am worried the land of the free will not be very free for my grandkids.

Spending time with children is more important than spending money on them. (Don't know who said it but I like it)

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
-- Mark Twain

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain
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