In another thread, Judy Ann mentioned she had never seen a saguaro cactus before. Perhaps others haven't either.
This was a 3 day trip in the Superstitution Wilderness of Arizona I did last year.
At the time I was living in NM, and had a 2 day job assignment in Tucson.
I made a 400 mile drive, spent 2 days working, then burnt 3 vacation days so I could hit the 'Supers' on my way back to New Mexico.
I was worried about being able to find water (late April), so I plotted a 15 mile loop that had a variety of add-on options.
If I didn't find any water, I would have to make the loop in 2 days. If I did find water (I did), I could goof around out there for an additional day.
If you are interested, run the slideshow below for a piece of the Superstitions.
Welcome to the Sonoran Desert
Click Here for Slideshow