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Hiking Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails.

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Old 12-18-2012, 07:52 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: USA
Posts: 75
Mudder is on a distinguished road

^ I'd suggest a doctor's visit too. Something isn't right when it's a lingering pain.

As for most of the posters above, foam earplugs are a godsent sometimes. I always have a pair or 2 in my backpack. Nights can get awfully noisy sometimes in the woods -- Public campsites too (ugh). Don't get the earplugs with the "headphone-type" plastic attached -- they suck, and they're dangerous.

Being in the manufacturing and factory and construction trade since I was 18 (now mid-30's), I have tried a lot of different types of foam earplugs. Some are soft and some are hard. The harder ones, that cancel more noise out, tend to make my ears sore. I have no problem with the softer ones.

As an avid cyclist, sometimes the wind bugs the heck out of me, so sometimes I throw in a pair of the foam earplugs or some noise-cancelling ear buds via mp3 player.

A heavy fleece stocking cap works good too, but not near as much as foam ear plugs. I have a fleece stocking cap for hunting, and sometimes it's a bit too much for having to hear the small game rustling around! -- but it sure is warm!

Get that checked out with your doc!

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Old 12-27-2012, 07:54 PM   #12
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Theosus is on a distinguished road

I love those squishy ear plugs. I have a pair in my hammock ridge line bag. In case my fellow campers are noisy i can pull them out and shut out the noise.
I had a pair of 180s around-the-head earmuffs I like. They even have speakers in them for my iPod, but the wire broke. Very warm.

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Old 12-29-2012, 12:43 AM   #13
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Marshmallow is on a distinguished road

We've always kept a good supply of ear plugs and find that cotton balls work in a pinch. We keep some of the old-fashioned ear muffs, but they aren't always easy to get to.

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