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Boating Power boats, sail boats, or yachts, let us talk about it here. Also jet ski's and other boating related activities.

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Old 09-29-2011, 03:14 PM   #1
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Default Kayaks vs. Canoes

I have always heard, there is a big debate, between kayakers and people who canoe. The people who like kayaks, say a kayak is the only way to go. People who canoe, say a canoe is the most fun you can have on water. So, where do you stand in this debate? I love canoes, and thought a kayak was too enclosing. Then, I discovered the open face kayak, and liked it too. I guess, I stand in the middle, when it comes to kayak vs. Canoe.

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Old 09-29-2011, 03:45 PM   #2
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I guess it depends on that you're doing. for tripping, canoes are easier to load and unload (and to portage IMHO).

Kayaks are probably faster for a given length than a canoe, and easier to paddle once you learn to equalize the power of your stroke on either side. Kayaks don't ship water as easily in rough water, especially with a spray skirt, but you do tend to dump water on your lap from the paddle as you elevate each side alternately.

Canoes are amenable to either solo or dual paddling, while it takes a specialized kayak to have that capability. You have a lower profile in a kayak, so you aren't as affected by the wind. Canoes are definitely easier to get in and out of than kayaks.

I have one of each and enjoy them both. I guess I'm in the middle too. Which one I take out depends on my mood and what I'm planning to do.

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Old 09-29-2011, 08:57 PM   #3
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They both serve a purpose. I like my kayak, I can do all I want in it. But when my kids get older, I would not mind a canoe to take them out in. I really see no problems with either. It is just what you wish to do with them. Just like no one fishing pole works for me, I have to have many toys.

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Old 10-05-2011, 07:25 AM   #4
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They both have their pros and cons. I grew up with a kayak and was using them before they became fashionable. I also had a canoe throughout those years. I used the kayak for just cruising around the water and the canoe for fishing.

Many years later when my wife and I were looking at buying a boat we considered getting either two kayaks or a tandem canoe. We chose the canoe because we felt it to be more versatile. We could fish from it (I've found the low seat and limited maneuverability in a kayak cockpit to make fishing uncomfortable), load it up and go camping, take it out for a cruise, find geocaches on the water, etc. I liked that I could turn it around and paddle solo easily (tandem kayaks are difficult to handle solo), that I could sit, kneel or half sit/kneel and that getting in and out is a breeze, especially important when geocaching or paddling a river where I need to negotiate numerous beaver dams.

While you can do most of that in a kayak (forget about kneeling) most of those things are more difficult to do.

The kayak really shines when you're just out for a cruise on the water and is a lot drier in waves and whitewater, but I like the added challenge of paddling a canoe in whitewater.

I had long thought that kayaks had a huge advantage speed-wise and faster kayaks do, but I've found that many of the popular rec kayaks are fairly slow and a fast canoe with a strong paddler will blow right past them.

Some day we will buy kayaks, but when we only had the money to choose one type of boat we went with a canoe.

That said, I understand the preference most people seem to have for kayaks. They have a youthful, adventurous sort of image where canoes are so "old fogy, summer camp". I think the canoe industry needs to try to change that.

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Last edited by briansnat; 10-05-2011 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 10-05-2011, 10:39 AM   #5
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Brian sat- I agree with you 100%. I came up the opposite way- from canoes, and I guess they are still my first love. Kayaks are a little more ergonomic to paddle than a canoe, since you don't have the whole j-stroke thing going. They are generally narrower for a given length than a canoe, which translates into a faster hull, all other things being equal.

I decided to build my kayak, based on plans from Mechanix Illustrated in the 60's. I did update the cover to vinyl-coated polyester. I just got it in the water a couple weeks ago, and haven't had time to play with it a lot, but it pretty much fulfills my expectations.

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Old 10-05-2011, 02:08 PM   #6
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I love to canoe. We have a touring canoe that we can load down with gear. Can't really do that in a Kayak. You can also plop a couple of kids in a canoe with you. You can't really do that with a kayak.

I do enjoy a kayak on faster water or in the sea though, but for a lazy lake nothing beats a canoe.

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Old 10-09-2011, 04:42 PM   #7
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Canoe! I like the teamwork involved when paddling with an experienced paddler, but if you're with a really bad paddler it can be a very trying trip.

Even though I prefer a canoe that does not mean that I don't appreciate a kayak, it's just not my preference.

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Old 11-17-2011, 12:29 PM   #8
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Great to hear from die hard canoeists. Kayaks are all the rage among urban types new to boating. The new kayaks are cheap, short and slow. But they are light and very forgiving. For speed I believe canoes are faster, because they tend to be longer and have typically two paddlers. Boat speed is a function of length. I had a 18.5 foot Sawyer Charger once, that was really fast. I built a Pygmy Coho sea kayak once, out of African mahogany but sold it because it just never felt right. It was very seaworthy but always felt tender in rough weather.

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