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General Camping Talk Lets talk about the love of camping

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Old 02-07-2012, 09:51 PM   #61
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TroyS is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by jb_simerly View Post
Went on my first camping trip without the parents and forgot the diesel fuel to start fire. But not the coleman lantern fluid and i thought what the heck gas is gas right???????? well a few singed hairs and almost a forest fire later i figured out i was wrong. now I use charcoal lighting fluid much more safer lol
I've actually learned the hard way that using some fluid can be very tricky when it comes to starting a camp fire. You might find this article on How to Safely Build a Campfire helpful. It's definitely a lot more work, but at least you don't have to worry about causing a forest fire.

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Old 02-18-2012, 10:43 PM   #62
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Hikenhunter is on a distinguished road

While hiking the Loyalsock trail one time I was following a part of the trail that followed an old logging road. At one point the trail veered right slightly then parralled the road a short distance before crossing a creek and heading up the mountain. Problem was I followed that road for a long time before I realized that there were no trail markers on the road anymore. Upon reaching the top of the mountain the road just simply stopped and that is when a bit of panic set in. Day light was getting short and I was meeting people at my next camping spot and I didn't want them worrying or sending out a search party to look for me. I realized I had come about five mies in the wrong direction and to back track 5 miles then flow the trail was going to get me very late and my friends very anxious so I decided to use my compass skills and bushwack my way from this mountain top to the one I should have been on. Several hours later and just after sunset I bumped into some of my friends who had started backtracking on the trail to see if I was having problems. Another hour or so and they were going to drive to the ranger station to report me missing. Lesson learned: Always check and recheck your trail markers and your map cause you just never know.

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Old 02-21-2012, 10:46 AM   #63
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Yep, good lesson. Damn good thing you made it properly, too, and didn't end up making a bad decision much worse.

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