plenty of good advice already. Especially Grandpa's tip for dealing with wet wood, and Indianna Hiker's tip on fire starters. I have used both. But unless it is an emergency situation, or I'm just feeling lazy, I like to start all my fires without the aid of fire starters. I guess it's sort of a macho guy thing.
I use a teepee for the tinder and kindling, surrounded by a log-cabin of larger kindling and bulk pieces. I even did an article on the different methods of fire construction, and their pros and cons - but it is an article link to my site, so don't click it if you think it's spammy for me to put it here. I'm just trying to be helpful because your intended use of the fire, (ie. warmth vs cooking, or in a hurry vs. no rush), could effect the way you start.
How to build a campfire for cooking and enjoying.
Hope it helps
"Of course I trust my political representatives ... just not with my liberties or my wallet" :
Camping with Gus