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Old 04-21-2012, 06:39 PM   #11
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While in Alaska, my buddy walked off a ways and as I was waiting for him to return I noticed a bear almost right behind him, just standing there staring at him. I though holy crap my first bear encounter and it 's going to involve my buddy getting mauled. I shouted and tried to warn him. He could barely hear me and was wondering why I was freaking out. I pulled my pistol and stared to run towards him, now he's freaking out because he see's nothing. Of course as I look for the bear again it's gone. I told him what I saw and he said that there was nothing there. We went back to where I was standing and sure as hell there was the bear again. Turns out the it was a mangled piece of steel from an old prospecting site. But at just the right angle and the sun coming through the trees at just the right light made it look like a perfect bear profile. He was really amazed at seeing it for himself. You could see the ears and nose as if it was the real thing. But moved a little to the left or right and the whole image changed.

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Old 04-22-2012, 06:30 AM   #12
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Hmmm....optical collusion.

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Old 04-22-2012, 01:09 PM   #13
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No I have never seen any aliens, unless you mean strange people in the vicinity of my camping ground! While life on other planets is almost a certainty, I don't think any aliens have found us and visited us yet.

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Old 04-22-2012, 04:14 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Grandpa View Post
Lots of UFO's flying around both in the woods and on television. They can't identify them but I can....TR3B's seem to be the most popular these days, with SR75's coming in second.
They are seeing what I call PUFO's, Personally Unidentifiable Flying Objects.
Formations of birds or airplanes at night are common nighttime PUFO's, as well as meteors and sometimes even planets.
Just last week, I saw a flock of snow geese that looked like a UFO, they were lit on the underside by city lights. Also, they weren't making any noise, so it was hard to identify at first.

Originally Posted by hikeorbike View Post
While life on other planets is almost a certainty, I don't think any aliens have found us and visited us yet.
Not necessarily, the universe is still very young, we may be amongst the first

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Last edited by Sagebrusher; 04-22-2012 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 04-22-2012, 06:25 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Newanderthal View Post
A cop once radioed in that he spotted an odd glowing object in the mountains and was trying to chase it down. he chased it for over an hour while it evaded him. Then he got into a clearing and saw it clearly.... it was the moon.
Hahaha!!! That sounds like something the cops around here would do!

Jokes aside, there have been several times that I spotted objects in the sky that I couldn't identify, but I won't go so far as to say I thought they were aliens or alien space ships.

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Old 04-22-2012, 07:41 PM   #16
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I love your responses! Haha. I'm not sure what the actual deal was with the story, but I imagine it was some friends pulling a prank. I've never encountered anything extra-terrestrial while on my camping journeys.

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Old 04-24-2012, 10:15 PM   #17
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Weird sounds at night? Yes. Extra-terrestrial? None...YET!

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Old 04-25-2012, 12:38 PM   #18
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Last Sun a large fireball was visible low on the horizon during the early morning. Some people saw white, green, or orange light. Then there was a sonic boom that rocked the house when it burned up in the atmosphere. I was visible from southern Oregon to Bakersfield, CA.

I have many years of experience working in the Nevada desert and sometimes near Nellis Test Range and Area 51. Lots of odd light and sounds from jets, flares, and chaff duriing Military Training Routes (MTRs) sorties. Nighttime is much more interesting.

edit- The Top Gun US Naval Training Station moved to Fallon, NV about 15 years ago from CA. We get a lot of hotdog young pilots not that different from the movie, doing unusual things with jets when no one is looking.

Last edited by ppine; 04-25-2012 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 04-25-2012, 12:55 PM   #19
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I don't know what to say about this topic except that I like watching movies with aliens. But I honestly don't believe they visited us so far.

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Old 04-25-2012, 01:29 PM   #20
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When the US government retired SR71 blackbird in the late '80's, we found it had been in service for 18 years but most of us didn't have a clue it existed. Upon retirement, the government said we didn't need another spy plane because the satelites were doing that job just fine. Well, I want more than one way to start a fire with me and I don't believe the government about anything anyway so I suspect there are other programs out there of which we no nothing about.

Others have those suspicions as well and have been collecting bits and pieces of info. The Illinois UFO sighting by 5 different police departments fits the description of a unit labeled TR3B. The many Belgian sightings and possibly the Phoenix lights sightings seem to be descriptive of SR75.

The SR71 and U2 planes were built and tested at area 51 in the Nevada desert. Possibly the F117 as well. But the B2 and the F22 were designed and built at Wright-Patterson and Marietta, Georgia. So why did the runways at area 51 undergo massive extensions in the late '90's? Sure points ones thinking that we have a lot more stuff than the government is admitting.

Back to UFO's, the above possible craft give us plenty of possible things you and I can't identify. As to extra terrestrial aliens, our ego's tell us we all ready know all there is to know about scientific laws and there is no way they can travel from there to here and back. Except daily we here about new breakthroughs. Neutrinos traveling faster than light, engineers near completion of warp drive, the list goes on. There is a lot we don't know yet. As with the Sasquatch issue, I have a "show me" attitude but I won't rule out the possiblity.

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Last edited by Grandpa; 04-26-2012 at 09:57 AM.
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