I never was a bronc rider but I've never been thrown. I've had a few horses scrape me off and I've managed quite a few less than graceful dismounts. As kids, we might pile three of us on a horse and being the youngest of the three, I've had several ungraceful slides off the back.
One time, I must have been 7 or 8, an important phone call came so Mom sent me up to find Dad. I guess the horse must have been upset with me over something because about a half mile before I reached my Dad, durned horse turned off the trail, walked straight over to a big old box elder tree, under a big branch and scraped me right off. The horse then turned right back to the trail and kept right on going with me a cussing and trying to catch up. That was real embarrassing having to walk up to give Dad the message while the horse just stood there and grinned at me. The horse let me ride him back home though and when I got to the barn and got the saddle off, I reached for an old shovel handle and shook it at the horse. My bluff didn't work though because he didn't even flinch.