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Old 03-10-2012, 05:15 PM   #1
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campclose is on a distinguished road
Default Not getting gas

We took the 4-wheelers out today for a muddy spin . It felt like mine was getting gas several times throughout our ride. I say it needs a tune up! How often do you tune your ATV up? My hubby will be doing this next weekend.

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Old 03-10-2012, 08:00 PM   #2
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I do a thorough check-up on ours twice a year, once before the winter and once before the summer. At that time I change the oil and check everything over. I probably change the spark plugs once a year, or more if it gets hard to start.

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Old 03-11-2012, 09:06 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2011
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I follow a maintenance schedule similar to DMan.

I also do more major maintenance every couple of years. If I have an ATV with a carburetor I'll take that off an clean it, or take it to have it cleaned and checked. I also check the valves and do any adjusting they may need. If it is an ATV with drum brakes I'll take them apart and clean them as well, get rid of any accumulated mud and brake dust.

Some newer ATVs have fuel injection and belt drives. Those are two things I've gotten into checking on a regular basis too. With the fuel injection there isn't any carb to take off and clean, but there are fuel filters to check and replace if needed. Also, the area were the CVT belt is can build up dust (some from the belt itself, some from dust entering through cooling ducts), and depending on the type of riding done maybe even some mud. So it's a good idea to clean the CVT area up some too.

Seems like the machines require a bit more maintenance than normal, but the terrain is much harder on them.

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