Our neighbor has a little Shetland pony who got loose this morning. We followed him all over the place. He would run and stop, run and stop. I though we would never catch the little devil. At least he wasn't on the road.
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That reminds me of the time I was driving down the road and had to stop because these people where trying to catch a horse. It was pretty funny to watch.
They can be tricky sometimes. They want to play just like kids when they do that. It's a game called "Keep Away". LOL I've chased a lot of horses and mules in my time when they decided they wanted an adventure. Sort of like an episode of the "Three Stooges". It's especially funny when you slide on a fresh cow pie.
Aww, it does sound funny but it is probably not very funny at the time. I have never seen any of the horses around here get loose, so odds are it is bound to happen soon.