Recent content by Grandpa

  1. Grandpa

    1Lb bottle refills

    The seals on the 1 pounders are fragile. I've had several leak after disconnecting with fuel still in it. Like Dancer, we prefer the 10 or 20 lb refillable bottles.
  2. Grandpa

    The Shoot The Bull Thread

    Take care Cappy. Prayers are with all you good folks down there.
  3. Grandpa

    Doing fine here. We've had some great outings this summer and still have some more to go. The...

    Doing fine here. We've had some great outings this summer and still have some more to go. The backpacks have stayed in the closet but we've driven into a lot of remote places. I've enjoyed the pics from the canoe trips. Our water outings have been either Sons big inboard or just paddling around...
  4. Grandpa

    The Shoot The Bull Thread

    Beautiful work
  5. Grandpa

    The Shoot The Bull Thread

    Y'all have a great time. We'll be waiting for the report.
  6. Grandpa

    The Shoot The Bull Thread

    Sure is quiet in here the past few days. I hope you're all put enjoying this beautiful summer. Grandma and I just enjoyed an 8 day road trip with our oldest daughter. Our daughter had no idea that idaho has the most navigable white water of any lower 48 state. The weather cooperated well. Not...
  7. Grandpa

    Thank you. Yes, the years add up faster and faster. But they are still good years. Grandma and I...

    Thank you. Yes, the years add up faster and faster. But they are still good years. Grandma and I just spent a wonderful 8 days road tripping through Idaho and Montana with our oldest daughter. The beauty of this great land and it's wonderful people still overwhelms me. There's just something...
  8. Grandpa

    Albums and Pics

    I tried to give a trip report with some pictures I took with my phone. None would finish downloading because they were too big for the server. How do I correct this?
  9. Grandpa

    New 2 Burner Stove

    We've been getting some badly needed sprinkles the last couple of days. We are thankful for what we get. It is dry here. It's going to be a bad fire season.
  10. Grandpa

    Just Got Back

    Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
  11. Grandpa


    On our trip last week, the National Park campgrounds were closed but there were tents and trailers in about every nook and crany all over Utah. The amount of trailers around Moab was unbelievable but that is normal for that area.
  12. Grandpa

    Finallly some Snow

    We ate 8n southern Utah today and was in a little snow squall. Word from home was it snowed a couple inches yesterday but my cousin in Wyoming said they had 10 inches today and still coming down. Any month with R can get snow and I have seen snow rarely at least once in the other 4 months.
  13. Grandpa

    MRE Meals???

    A son in law gave me some mre's for backpacking. One trip was enough. Too heavy. For us it's freeze dried or dehydrated for backcountry travel. (Mountain House and home made meals) or it's cooking from scratch if weight isn't a problem. Each trip may be a different method of cooking depending on...
  14. Grandpa

    I only bought four items...

    Grandma bought a raised dog bed for her baby. We already had a good pad to fit. She also bought a portable flush toilet and a privacy shelter. We'll stick with the bucket and a tarp for backpacking. Most of our trips this year will be primitive camping out of the back of an SUV. Although we are...
  15. Grandpa

    Touring Southern Utah this week with another couple. Grandma and I hiked in 3 miles to a...

    Touring Southern Utah this week with another couple. Grandma and I hiked in 3 miles to a beautiful waterfall today. We are paying dearly tonight. Ha ha.