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Picture 15 of 40 from Album Grandpa's Wanderings
My constant companion
Picture Added 04-07-2011 06:06 PM
Added by Grandpa

Showing Picture Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Judy Ann
    04-12-2011 06:05 PM - permalink
    Judy Ann
    Is this a different Lab as it looks so young? Grandpa, what is the little bell for?
  2. Grandpa
    04-14-2011 01:48 AM - permalink
    This was two years ago, he was 7 then. The bell came with the dog pack. It does tinkle when he walks so not sure if it is a bear bell or a way to find him if he runs off. If the latter, forget it, I can't hear it beyond 50 ft.

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