Conversation Between IndianaHiker and outdoorlover001
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something happened sorry, here the rest-- while hking and my .380 auto that i carried was the only thing that kept us from getting robbed-- this bunch and walked into our camp and has sat their their guns close by them- they ask 1 of my buddies were we hunting, he said no we were only hiking, they started to grin amonst themselves, that when i produced my 380 and my badge, the problum was diffused instantly. Zacariah is in the red river gorge area that 'fridge mentioned, pretty, but can be dangerous. the locals are a povertty stricken bunch and as he mentioned, a lot of crime has happen in the area. again, sorry for the confusion, look foward to talking more with you
hey indi, thought i would drop a line and say first, thankyou for your service in the armed forces. Just wanted to say no insult intended in my post. thr areas i mentiioned in my post are located in south eastern ky( livingston) ran into some deliverence type hunters one time