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  1. R

    How long does it take you to put up your tent?

    We have the el cheapo Coleman 6 man tent from Walmart. It takes us 11 minutes for full set up. Yes, we time ourselves. I'm feeling pretty proud of this time but I don't have anything to compare it with. How long does it take you?
  2. R

    Time for warm socks!

    EMS has really good wool socks and they're buy three get one free. You can also check on EBAY and Amazon. They have close outs for about half the price of REI and EMS.
  3. R

    Should I eat the goodies off the tree?

    Seriously, if they are from this year they're fair game. Gingerbread men don't usually even make it until Christmas on my tree. This year I hung four dozen gingerbread people and they were long gone before Christmas.
  4. R

    My diet goes out the window when camping!

    I try to rationalize it by saying that I'm burning so many calories with all the hiking and tent-setting-upping but I don't think that any amount of physical activity can compensate for the sausage, biscuits, pancakes and s'mores I eat in a typical camping trip. I don't know, I just associate...
  5. R

    Leaving it all behind

    I leave MOST of it behind. We do bring a portable DVD player with us though for the kids to watch on the way up and sometimes that gets pulled out. I don't mind too much though, I figure they enjoyed the camping for 22 hours of the day, why not let them have a 2 hour movie to enjoy under the stars.
  6. R

    Best S'mores Recipe

    MMMM, Nutella s'mores sound divine. Though I'm a Nutella fiend. I'd put it on pretty much anything. I even sometimes make my own to cut down on the sugar, though it's not quite as good as the original!
  7. R

    Appalachian Trail

    So I have hiked on the Appalachian Trail for short hikes but I've never considered hiking the whole trail. A friend mine just got back a few months ago from hiking the entire trail with his son this summer. This sounds intriguing. Has anyone here done such a hike?
  8. R

    How lucky were theses guys?

    Wow, I can't believe that the diving company didn't do a headcount or something. These guys are right, they could have very easily died. Lucky indeed.
  9. R

    Fantastic Oatmeal

    That sounds lovely Walking Man. Is it an instant oatmeal? I don't usually get full from instant oatmeal, only from the kind you have to boil. I don't know why.
  10. R

    pretreated mosquito nets

    Elizabeth, no it didn't smell at all and I am very sensitive to fragrances such as perfumes. I can't speak to how it will smell if I use the stuff that Refrigerator suggests, but the pretreated netting didn't have any odor.
  11. R

    Fishing Clubs?

    If you go to they might have something like this. They are just informal gatherings. I've never gone on a fishing outing but I've been on a few hikes and met some new people.
  12. R

    Do you take your own toilet paper camping?

    I always bring it with me hiking and camping even if I'm at a campground because sometimes I have to go on the trail. Also we all just use toilet paper to blow our noses and a half roll of toilet paper can blow a lot of noses!