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    Sand Fleas

    I am not sure what a sand flea is. Are they just regular fleas who live in the sand? I can see why you would want to get rid of them. How about the glue traps you can get for bed bugs. The glue has special bait which tricks those bugs in to thinking a human is near.
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    Room Temperature

    Hang in there. You are very strong and the best asset a child can have is a caring and dedicated parent. You all will be in our prayers.
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    Strange Occurrences?

    My dad claimed he saw a black panther, and of course we all thought he was nuts. It was not long after that we found out there was a black panther loose here. No one has seen it in 4 months though, so maybe it has moved on.
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    Wow, that guy has some stamina. That is one person you could take on a hike and have no worries that they couldn't handle it or that they would complain. Our UPS guy had shorts on today. I think he is nuts!
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    Arctic wind

    My porch chairs are in the yard. I kept putting them back, but the wind seem to have other ideas. Man, that wind made it feel so bitterly cold today. I thought I could stay in, but I had to go out more than I thought I would.
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    First Snow!

    It is January 12th and we have had our first snow. It wasn't much of a snow, but it was enough to title it our first snow. I feel blessed by our short winter, at the same time I am excited about getting out in the snow!
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    Foot Prints in the Snow

    My favorite thing about hiking in the snow is being able to see footprints. The human kind are not that interesting, but I love trying to identify all of the animal and bird foot prints left in the snow.
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    4 must have spices for camping

    Dinosaur, I wouldn't knock Dr. Oz. First of all we have some housewives here who might not appreciate that. Also, I thought the same thing. Then I ended up watching him out of curiosity. He is, in fact, a very intelligent person. He actually has a lot of good stuff to say.
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    Woman shot by cop..."mistakes" her for deer.

    If the officer remains on the force I hope he is provided with some counseling. Seeing that he stayed to help, it probably means that he feels terrible for what he did. That in itself could cause him to no be able to do his duties.
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    Wild Boars

    We have some wild bores around here, but no wild boars! Of course a wild bore probably seems like an oxymoron! I imagine that boars spread pretty quickly once they are in an area. It is my understanding that they are dangerous pack animals.
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    How often do you replace your sail?

    My 17 foot sunfish has had the same sale for a long while. I have had to give it some minor repairs, but never replaced it. How often do you change your sails, or are you like me and have one for a good while?
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    Ease of herb gardening?

    Is gardening for herbs easier than gardening for vegetables? My wife has been talking about starting an herb garden for some time. I was thinking about making that our spring project.
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    Hiking With Children

    I agree, there are times when I want to hike alone, but there are other times where I feel enriched by having the kids with me. It is nice to see nature through their eyes.
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    Renting vs. Owning

    I own 2 sailboats, my dad owns a canoe and my brother has a motor boat. Between us all we pretty much have what we need. We borrow each others boats on a regular basis.
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    I can't believe it's December and I haven't put my bike away yet!

    I made the mistake of packing up all the bikes in the fall. We don't have room for them here so we store them at another location over the winter. My kids are still giving me a hard time about it because they could still be riding their bikes.
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    Frying over the campfire

    I only take enough to fry bacon and eggs. I need a lot of protein to start my day off with so cereal just won't cut it. I don't use a lot of oil with my eggs though because I fry them in the bacon grease.
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    Looking for gold

    We lose people here too, only to old coal mines not gold. I have panned for gold before, but it was more of a fun thing to do with the kids. The only thing we ever found was fools gold, but it was still fun.
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    Slingshot Hunting

    The biggest game I have ever hunted with a slingshot is a pig. Only instead of rocks or other ammo, I use birds. And they are very angry birds, too. Does that count?
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    Winter Time Backpacking

    I generally don't backpack in the winter time because I am not a fan of snow. Seeing that we are having a mild winter I thought I might do a little winter time back packing. What things should be packed in a winter time pack?
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    My diet goes out the window when camping!

    I am the opposite. I think I eat much healthier when I am camping. I stay away from processed foods and cook everything naturally. I tend to do a lot of meats and stews. I don't eat smores, too sweet for me, so I never worry about my diet when camping.