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  1. S

    Lake Hope

    I am going to be taking a trip to Lake Hope, which is in South East Ohio. The last time I was there and we went swimming it was terrible. Mostly because the fish there are a bit over friendly and these little fish bug the crap out of you while swimming. Have you ever been to a lake like that?
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    Cabella's is having a big sale

    Thanks for the heads up. There are a few things that I have been putting of getting for some time. Right now I try to only buy when the price is right, which means I have to do without a lot.
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    Cabella's Ultimate Alaknack Tent

    Dude, I could live in that tent. I looked it up and there are three sizes. They are from $719.99 up to $1169.99 and look like they are on sale right now. I wish I had that kind of money right now!
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    A pole for every occasion

    I am to lazy to change the line on my pole and I also like having different poles depending on what I am fishing for. Am I the only one with a large collection of fishing poles?
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    Brain-eating amoeba’ claims second victim this month

    That is very sad. I can not imagine the heart break of that family. It is also very terrifying. I had no idea there was such a thing, but it's very freaky for sure.
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    Active or laid back camper?

    Yeah, I think it really depends on my mood. There are times I am very active and don't stop until I drop. Then there are other times I am going with the intent of relaxing, and then I am laid back.
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    Strangest Bait You Ever Used

    While on a fishing trip yesterday we ran out of live bait. My father decided to be unconventional. He tried fishing with Freetos, no luck. He tried fishing with potato chips, no luck. Then he tried Cheetos and he was catching fish left and right. What is the strangest bait you have caught a fish...
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    We had a big family fishing trip yesterday. My dad is a kook, and when we ran out of live bait he started to improvise. He caught 9 fish on Cheetos. It was pretty funny.
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    Got to get away from here

    I know how you feel. I have been feeling all of the stress recently too. There is one thing that always helps, and that is being out in nature. I hope you can find a way to get out in nature for a few days.
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    I looked at the pictures, I get what a Yurt is. My question is why are they circle? What is the point of the high roof? Was there originally meant to be a fire in the center?
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    Do you take your own toilet paper camping?

    Nice idea! I was thinking about the space issue too, but this is the perfect issue. A squashed half roll wouldn't take up much space but would still be handy to have!
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    Chiggers, what are they?

    I guess they love humidity. The more humidity there is, the more likely they are in great abundance. Which would explain why it has been so bad around here! The humidity has helped them seriously populate. :(
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    If the world were to end in 24 hours....

    If you found out the world was going to end in 24 hours and you had to choose one outdoor activity or sport, what would you do? I would get on my sail boat and head out to sea for one last glorious sail.
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    Is the season going by too fast?

    Fall is my favorite time to back pack. As far as the swimming season, I am not that bothered by it. Still this is a good reminder to enjoy each and every day to the fullest.
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    Catfish Fillets

    That sounds so good! I haven't had a good catfish filet in some time now. For some reason I have not had a good catfish year for a few years now. Maybe next year will be better.
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    Chiggers, what are they?

    I hate the thought that they burrow in the skin. That always creeps me out. Once they are in there, how can you get them out? Is it true if you paint over the area with clear nail polish they will die?
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    Kids And School

    My kids start at the end of the month. We finished school cloths shopping, but haven't started supply shopping. I am hopping to get that done next week.
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    BOB Medications

    I have some steroids my doctor gave me left over from an allergic reaction. I keep them in my BOB, you never know when you might have a serious allergic reaction that might call for them.
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    Anyone here do a van conversion?

    Your van looks great. It is fantastic that you guys are already making so much progress with it. When you get the inside worked on share some pics!
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    Small dirtbike

    I don't feel sorry for you. The last time I was looking at the cost of the pads and helmet the price was pretty good! Still, if she is going to ride, then you must have them.