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    Some people

    People like that are simply infuriating. Why bother going camping in the first place if you have no respect for nature? I probably would have had to say something to them. I find it difficult to keep my mouth shut when I get really mad, lol.
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    Crawfish, crabs and lobsters make sense to me, but I've never heard of the bass thing. I'll have to suggest it to my dad (big bass fisherman) and see if he has any luck with it.
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    Most challenge animal to hunt

    I have an ex boyfriend who used to bear hunt and those bears always gave him a hard time, lol. As far as I know, he never did get one. And that was in Pennsylvania where they are pretty darn abundant.
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    Interesting Artifacts!

    I found an arrowhead when I was a kid. It was perfectly shaped and black. My dad still has it too. I think he keeps it for good luck :)
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    "Can't" Scuba Dive?

    I'm with Wild Bill. An equilibrium issue could surface at a moment's notice and cause you real problems so I would get that checked out. I could see where maybe some people's ears would be overly sensitive not allowing them to SCUBA dive, but if you are having trouble with basic surface diving...
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    The Sun

    I've used the sun for time before. Not so much out of necessity, but more just because I can and I don't always wear a watch. Thankfully I haven't had to use it due to being lost...yet :)
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    Disc golf

    Does anybody have a park near them with a disc golf course? I'm always interested in new places to travel and play and I'm particularly interested the larger parks that have camping and activities other than disc golf.
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    Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are great roasted or grilled. They also go really well with black beans. Cube the potatoes and roast them on high heat until tender and then combine them black beans, a chopped jalapeno, and some seasoning. Yummy stuff.
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    What is the longest amount of time you have spent camping?

    Wow, 3 weeks is a long time. But, of course, it's totally impractical these days since most of us can't check out of the rat race for that long. I'm like you - I usually go for about 4 days at a time. In simpler days, I think the longest I ever went for was 10 days.
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    Most uncomfortable night ever

    I was camping in Ontario one June and I didn't find out until after I got home that it was supposedly the worst year ever for black flies. I was under attack from the minute I got there until the minute I left. I had a new tent and I unpacked the car and was trying to stand at the campsite and...
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    Pork Chops and Pears

    My husband is a pork chop junkie so I am definitely going to try this. It sounds great! I love to surprise him when I come across a new pork chop recipe.
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    Catfish bait

    What do you use for catfish bait? My husband swears by moldy hot dogs, lol. It always cracks me up because when I see him cutting up weenies and putting them outside for a couple of days I know that means he's going fishing that weekend.
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    Electric or Shift?

    I had an automatic at one time and I liked the ease of it, but on the other hand I think there is something to be said for kids learning how to shift. A 12 year old would be able to get the hang of it pretty quickly, I would think, and it would be beneficial for him to know how down the road...
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    Lady hunters

    Out of curiosity, do we have any women around here who hunt? If so, how did you get started? Personally, I like to GO hunting, but I don't actually participate. I pretty much just tag along and keep quiet, lol. As for the killing part of it, I support hunters and the sport of hunting itself, I...
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    Grilled corn

    2beoutdoors, I think leaving the husks on would work just fine. Paige is right - it's about getting the butter and herbs melted into the corn so the husks would serve the same purpose as the foil.
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    I'm not a big fan of steamed vegetables myself. I'd much rather have them grilled or roasted, but I think that it's great that you bring along the kitchen items that are important to your family. If you have electricity and the room to pack it you can bring everything but the kitchen sink, lol.
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    I'm curious to know what type of training you need to do prepare for such a climb and how long does it take to get yourself ready. I mean, that is such an intense climb I'm thinking you can't just run out and do it on a whim.
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    Last time you played in the snow

    I grew up in the northeast and I now live in the deep, deep south. I've been here for 4 years so I was really starting to miss the snow until...(drum roll please) we actually got a couple of inches of snow one early morning last December. It was amazing. People who have lived here all their...
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    No, you can't have a wheeler!

    I think it's a good idea to let your kids try the things they want to do (within reason, of course) because you don't want them to grow up being afraid of new things. You can ease your mind a little by following Uber's advice and getting someone experienced to show him how to ride and teach him...
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    Grilled corn

    We made this on the grill a few weeks ago and it is now a cook out staple for our family. I usually have compound butter on hand in the freezer so you need to start with that. I make mine with unsalted, room temperature butter and whatever fresh herbs I have on hand at the time (basil, parsley...