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  1. F

    Free diving or scuba diving

    Wow that sounds awesome, didn't realize that I could go spear fishing, that's sick! I look forward to planning a trip down to warmer climates.
  2. F

    Grand Canyon

    Yeah it seems that the Grand Canyon has been a tourist-y spot but just for looking at and maybe not as much experiencing it though.
  3. F

    Going up to the White Mountains next weekend

    Yeah, not sure when you were planning on being back, but look forward to seeing and hearing how everything went.
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    True story a buddy jumped off a massive cliff into the water and he was fine, but the next guy jumped in feet first like all others but tucked his head in and looked down. Next thing we know he hits the water and comes up a bloody mess. Nose messed, teeth jacked into lip and was roughed up...
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    Repelling is sick! So much fun, but when people freak they tend to forget what exactly they should or have to do to be successful and not hurt themselves.
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    Pain from the bike seat

    I have a super fat gel pad which helps a lot, but if I ride to,to long it stills pains me, I like the idea for the springs in the seat. I wonder how the Tour De France guys do it with the smallest sharpest of padding.
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    No more tailgators

    Definitely a pet peeve of mine, they tailgate to tell the driver they are driving badly, but in turn make the driver ahead drive slower or worse. Stop being in such a hurry, because life will pass you by.
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    What's The Funniest Thing You've Seen Hiking?

    That is definitely a good one, I cannot remember any specifics but just seeing people totally out of their element and not loving the experience at all and not with my group.
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    Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

    Wow, now that's a video. Basketball made me watch it, the bear made me love it, but did stutter a little, so hard to say, try and dispel it!