Most uncomfortable night ever


What's your most uncomfortable night of camping ever?

Mine was an overnight summer trip a few years ago. Why I decided to go backpacking in the summer in Louisiana, I'll never know, but I did. I hiked several miles down the railroad tracks and camped in a clearing nearby. The grass was about 3 feet tall and even though I cut a bunch down and mashed down the rest, there were still chutes poking the floor of the tent. Every time I tried to get comfortable, I felt another knot pushing into my back. It felt like sleeping on a bag full of hammers. It was 88 degrees that night with 100 percent humidity and mosquitoes the size of eagles.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I had been mugged in my sleep. Everything was sore. When I got a look at the ground as I packed up the tent, I found out why. Apparently a tractor had driven through the area when the ground was soft and the tread left behind had hardened into a washboard of clay and pain. That had been my bed.

What's your most uncomfortable night in the woods?


New Member
New Port Richey, Florida
Well I don't know if this qualifies but, quite a few years ago while spending time (drinking) with my neighbors I walked home. But never made it inside, I guess I decided to sleep it off out back in the grass under the stars. I didn't sleep well and the next day was rough. I blamed it on the hard ground but maybe it was the liquor? I guess I really do perfer to be outside all the time and sleep under the stars instead of the house. LOL


New Member
This is not physically uncomfortable but uncomfortable nonetheless. My boyfriend asked me to go camping with him to a spot "no one but me knows about". I agreed and we went the next Saturday. We spent all day hiking in and camped and made a nice dinner. We had no sooner finished with dinner than out of the woods his ex-girlfriend shows up! She had hiked in not knowing I was there buy had heard he was going to go spend the weekend at his "special spot". She didn't know he had asked his girlfriend to go along with him. I was livid! I thought she knew about me and came anyway. But she thought he had come by himself and was going to try to talk him back into a relationship. By the time we got things sorted out, it was too dark for her to go into the woods by herself and I refused to spend the night in a place where I had no idea how to get out of by myself. We three spent a very uncomfortable night under the stars. Needless to say, we are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. He can keep his "special spot" for his next girlfriend-the dog!


New Member
Memorial Day, seven years ago. We tent camped on a local lake in the camping grounds next to friends. The Game Warden came to warn us that the weather was going to be very rough that night however we had no vehicle there until the next morning as a few had went into town to get more supplies. It stormed horribly and the tent collapsed due to the wind. We ended up sleeping in the show stalls in the restrooms. It was horrible.


New Member
Our last trip was the worst... It rained and rained and it was just plain muddy and crappy. I could not wait to get home and dry. We were over 4 hours from home too.
The only good thing is we had a camper, I can't imagine a tent in that mess.


New Member
I was once dared to go camping without any real supplies, a group of us were really as young adults. Never again, even a towel to lay on would have been better than pure ground and I know at my age now, that is never going to happen again. :D


New Member
Man, some of these are really bad! We camped once out on a beach when the forecast was nothing but clear skies. When it decided to downpour, three very tall men and I somehow managed to cram into a childrens' 4x4 tent which had really just been brought to store stuff in. When it got too hot and uncomfortable, we rolled out into the sand and just threw a tarp over ourselves. No matter what we tried, it was miserable...and we had gotten there by boat, so there were no cars to sleep in. Worst camping trip ever - but a great story to tell!


New Member
I was camping in Ontario one June and I didn't find out until after I got home that it was supposedly the worst year ever for black flies. I was under attack from the minute I got there until the minute I left. I had a new tent and I unpacked the car and was trying to stand at the campsite and read the instructions for the tent, but I ended up having to sit in the car to read because the black flies were so bad. They were attacking my car while I sat in it! They were swarming the windshield, it was crazy. I was supposed to be there for 5 days, but I had to put an end to the trip when I tried to go to the bathroom and about 30 of them followed me in and proceeded to bite me on the ass while I was trying to pee.