Hi ND,
Took most of January off. Back in the barn teaching on Sat. 11 yo loves riding. We are making great progress. This spring will start using a saddle more and move from a rope halter to a snaffle bit or trad hackamore. Sun we had a training session with about 15 people. I have a new 12 yo starting next week. S is very bright and loves horses. She has ridden else where in the past. But she is very serious about everything and my goal is to get her to relax and lighten up.
Kids are fun to goof around with. I do things like bursting into a Gene Autry song like "Back in the Saddle Again" while we are working a horse. The critters are honest. Once you learn to speak horse you can see what they are thinking. Movement of the ears, head carriage, licking and chewing, the big exhale. Kids and horses together are a powerful combination. I encourage everyone to spend time with animals every week. I live with three dogs.