We're fortunate to have some book stores near by. Asheville NC has some old book stores, and antique places. I would guess the best book store is Battery Park Book Exchange. New and antique books, comfy couches, chairs, pastries and beverages, including wine and champagne.
My wife is the literary one. She devours books. She has mentioned, more then once, about raising the roof so she could have a library where a person needs a ladder to reach the books. Ha forget that. She'd just have to find a way to shrink herself, so the room looks taller.
When the girls moved out, thank God, my wife took over their bedrooms for her hobby. I would build book cases and display cabinets for her. That's what got me started wood working. Yes I love the smell of wood also. Red cedar and sassafras is my favorite.
Realizing and finding small local sawmills was a big push for me also. Then when I was building my canoe I think she felt sorry for me because the basement is a little cramped. So she encouraged me to build myself a shop. I'm sure she is thinking more display cabinets. That's fine it's fun.
So my shop is going to be my personal canoe room for me. I suck at decorating. I figure 3 or 4 wood canoes hanging from the ceiling should be good decorations. I've got 2 more canoes in mind to make.
I started building it last August, after the concrete and paving.
That was a hit on my savings account ouch. But it is a huge improvement and adds value to the house, which also means higher taxes uhn
. Maybe they won't notice. I didn't need any permits, so they ain't going to know unless they drive by.
I just finished making my window frames for the double entry doors. I'll call local glass shop tomorrow. The windows don't open, so it was easier construction.
I know I'm rambling on. I just got up and drinking some coffee. Wife just got home from substituting at the local high school, the same one we both graduated from in the early 80's isn't that sad? Small town. I'm still trying to plan a trip through Sparkleberry swamp, South Carolina, don't know if it'll happen this year. Order a Delorme atlas gazetteer for SC. They have the grids, contours and coordinates.
Sorry long winded.
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