Home | Paddling | Canoe | Why Old Canoes for Paddling are a Better Choice

Why Old Canoes for Paddling are a Better Choice

Older canoes made of aluminum are heavier to move and more likely to stay secure in the water than newer models. This also means that paddling is easier but also harder as individuals will be able to handle their canoes more easily but that they will also have to put forth more effort into paddling due to the weight. However, due to their sturdiness you are far more likely to survive a crash with a large rock or if your canoe is swamped you are able to use it to assist you with floating. In addition, it is cheaper to purchase an older used aluminum canoe than it is to pay for a brand new fiberglass canoe.

The runners which run along the bottom of the aluminum canoe are also very helpful due to how it helps to prevent the possibly of sliding through the water and hitting something like a rock or another boat. They are also beneficial as it helps your boat to slide through the water forwards and backwards more easily, while also assisting in making the boat turn more correctly due to increased control when paddling. You will also find the aluminum or wooden paddles, although not as long lasting as fiberglass, aluminum will be sturdier when used.

One of the best aspects of the older aluminum canoes when paddling is that should your boat capsize at any point you will not lose your boat or paddle due to the way your canoe floats. Although some of the newer fiberglass boats do have the ability to float, most of them do not and will in fact sink if they have any weight tied into them which means you will lose the investment of your equipment and supplies plus your canoe. Wooden or aluminum paddles also appears to float better than fiberglass paddles.

Another great aspect of the metal canoe is how much easier it is to survive a crash with a rock than it is with a fiberglass boat when paddling. You are able to use your paddling effectively in order to direct your canoe at the last minute to avoid potential crashes and possible save both your life and the life of an passengers in a boat. Paddling in a metal canoe when compared to a fiberglass kayak is easier too due to the different types of paddle and movements associated when using the canoe.

Although aluminum canoes are superior to other models, it is important you remember they are also heavier and therefore care should be taken when transporting the canoe. Be sure you secure your canoe well and remember to bring your life vests for when you are paddling in a canoe. Properly educate ever member of your group in how to handle a canoe when paddling in order to avoid potential accidents or fighting against the movements of each other, which can be life threatening if it happens at the wrong moment.

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