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  1. I want to go the tent camp on the Hill?

    Today we will go to the entire tent camp on the mountains ... any advice? If anyone can give me the best idea it will be great help.
  2. Need Tips about Salt Water Fishing?

    Yesterday was my first day fishing and we had a dock of Cali. The coast near the sunset ... using frozen squid. I just grabbed 1 calf (?) And hanging stinger ... How can I get stinger and get more fish from ?
  3. Should the camping gear be included?

    Camping mechanism includes camp tent, sleeping bag, shopping bag, floor sheet? Is there anything else? Thanks a lot.
  4. Can anyone help me to protect our environment?

    Why is it so important to protect our environment? I have to compose 600 words and protect my environment is so important why I can not really think.