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  1. F

    How old before you can scuba dive?

    Depending on where you get your certification at, the minimum age is 10 or 12 years of age. You must meet certain health requirement, be able to swim at least 200 yards and tread water for 10 minutes.
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    I have done some snorkeling but no desire to try scuba diving. For one thing, I am claustrophobic. Wearing all that gear and then being submerged in all that water is just a little more than I feel I can handle.
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    Swimming With Sharks

    I have to agree, Cflyer. I have seen those expedition shows where the explorer is in the cage and the sharks are trying to get in the cage too. I can be sure that one look at those sharp teeth would send me straight into a panic attack. I would end up drowning myself!:fear:
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    Up The Creek Without A Paddle

    Have you ever found yourself up the creek without your paddle? I did. I was on the upper end of a local reservoir where the waters are calmer and no speed boats were allowed. When I was reeling in a fish I accidentally hit the oar and over it went. The current was strong due to recent rain...
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    Paddle leash?

    I have never even thought about leashing the paddle. Although I probably should have the time I lost my paddle in a swift current. I wasn't in dangerous waters the river was just running faster than normal do to some recent rains.
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    This ever happen to you?

    No, thankfully this has never happened to me. I have been chased by a goose at my doctor's office before. They had a pond on the back of the property and a goose built a nest under one of the trees near the parking lot. I guess I parked too close.
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    How do fish appear on dry lakes?

    It could be that there are underground streams that fill the lake. In the summertime when temperatures are elevated, the water level in the streams drop and the water recedes back into the ground. When the water levels are up the lakes fill and the fish swim back up through the underground...
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    have to share!

    That is definitely something to be proud of. My nephew is eight and has just started learning the basics of fishing. Of course, if he lived closer I would have had down to the river a lot sooner.
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    Rivers or lakes and ponds

    Do you prefer to fish in rivers or lakes and ponds? Personally I prefer the moving water of the river. Occasionally, I will fish with a friend who has a pond on his property that he keeps stocked.
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    Anybody Been Fishin' Yet This Season?

    I prefer to go out after a nice rain and catch my nightcrawlers. Usually though I am using flies so I don't have to do anything except open the tack box to collect my bait.
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    Lures, flies or bait?

    I'm not dubbed the flylady for nothing. Yes, Smokey, it does take a lot of practice but like any other skill that you learn there is pride in the accomplishment. I do use lures and bait at times but nothing beats flyfishing.
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    The Hatteras Heave

    I was on another forum a few months back and someone recommended using the Hatteras Heave to increase your casting difference when surf fishing. I replied and asked exactly what this is as I had never heard of it and no one ever replied. Does anyone know what this is? Is it a technique or...
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    Fishing the Pacific Ocean

    I've never been to the Pacific Ocean. Most of my Saltwater fishing is done in Florida, either the Atlantic or the Gulf. I have also done some fishing off Padre Island. I would have loved to get some pictures of the Golden Gate bridge from the fishing boat.
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    Favorite Fish To Catch

    Striped bass is my favorite when it comes to both saltwater and freshwater fishing. Although I did catch a swordfish that put up a good fight, I wasn't as impressed with the way he fried up.
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    Hunting Alone

    Do you go out hunting alone or do you always take someone with you? Personally, I think I would want someone along in case of an emergency but then I'm not a hunter.
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    Would you let your daughter hunt?

    My daughter is grown now but she started hunting with her father when she was about 8 years old. My husband taught her about her rifle, including how to clean and care for it. They went out together for target practice and then, when he felt she was ready they headed for the woods.
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    How Many Trophies?

    We don't have a trophy room or trophies mounted on the wall. That's not completely true. My husband has a five point rack mounted and hanging on the wall but not the whole head. And I do have a 2 ft long bass that I caught hanging on the wall. These are enough for our house. I don't want...
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    Hog hunting with dogs

    Are these wild hogs they are hunting? I can't imagine why you would use dogs to hunt farm raised hogs. That would seem cruel to both the hog and the dog.
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    Coon, anyone?

    My dad was from Arkansas and he and his brothers loved to go raccoon hunting. I'm not really a hunter myself. I prefer fishing. My grandma made the best barbecued racoon though. Anyone else ever tasted racoon?
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    Iraq War vet to hike across America

    How inspirational! It is very admirable that he would want to reach out and continue to support his fellow soldiers. Many times our servicemen come home and try to put the war completely behind them and reunite with their families. Yet he has been preparing for his journey long before coming...