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  1. L

    Tying a Self Equalizing Anchor

    Begin by forming two bights using about 15 feet of static line..... Tie an overhand knot Tie the second overhand which completes the Grapevine knot Clip in carabiners... each of these legs are then attached to seperate anchors.
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    Ceasar's Bark Canoe

    This documentary shows how a canoe is built the old way. César Newashish, a 67-year-old Attikamek of the Manawan Reserve north of Montreal, uses only birchbark, cedar splints, spruce roots and gum. Building a canoe solely from the materials that the forest provides may become a lost art, even...
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    Path of the Paddle

    This short film from canoeist Bill Mason demonstrates the basic doubles paddling strokes and how to apply them in various combinations. The application of each stroke in rapids is shown briefly and the emphasis is always on working as a well-coordinated team. Path of the Paddle: Doubles...
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    Survival in the Bush

    An interesting short film from 1954 Survival in the Bush by Bernard Devlin - NFB
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    Portages from Hell

    Got your favorite portage that you love to 3 The Mud Pond Carry - Maine 2 miles of absolute sweet misery mud pond carry trail, st. regis area pictures from scenery & nature photos on webshots Fries Dam Carry - New River, Virginia.... 1.5 miles of carrying up and down on a...
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    arrrrgh...decisions, decisions for a tripping canoe

    Plans for a major canoe trip has me wanting something other then an Old Town 158, or's down to these.... boat #1 Clipper Canoes - Sea-1 boat #2 Clipper Canoes - Packer boat #3 Pack Canoe - Old Town Canoes and Kayaks however, if these boats weren't so bloody expensive -...
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    Your Compass....

    We all have our favorite compass - mine is the Silva Ranger 15, a sighting compass with an inclinometer...I have two, one 0 to 360 for land navigation, and a 0 to 90 (for working with old surveying maps) .... as such the mirror can also be used for signalling, and shaving the inclinometer...
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    Finding general North without a compass...

    There are times when Polaris will get "lost" in a field of stars - but, here is an easy way to locate the general direction of North. When the constellations of the Big Dipper, and Cassiopeia are at the 3 and 9 position simply place your hands up and out on these constellations. You can also...
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    Finding Declination

    Declination is no more then the distance and direction between true north and magnetic north.. here's a quick way to find declination when doing map and compass work (this method will not work with a lensatic compass) First, you'll need a good night sky with a good view of Polaris. Set your...
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    Checking In...

    Looks like an interesting place to hang my hat... during the summer, I work as a river guide teaching young folks the basics of white water canoeing here... YouTube - Voyageur Trek at the BRSR as well as here... also, I'm a historical...