Search results

  1. V

    Zombie plan??

    I like to play "what the hell was that!" with the kids. Keeps them quiet and in one place - usually in the tent.
  2. V

    Games when camping?

    I like to play "what the hell was that!" with the kids. Keeps them quiet and in one place - usually in the tent.
  3. V

    Solzhenitsyn "The Last Story"

    15 post15 post15 post15 post15 post
  4. V

    Solzhenitsyn "The Last Story"

    Obama "date" Clinton learn from what? Obama's hobbies include playing basketball, drinking beer, playing BlackBerry, will play a few shots golf, but not really far from enthusiastic. However, recent Obama even wore billowing clouds, regardless of the storm notice, went to a dozen kilometers...