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  1. T

    New personal water purification system

    I bought one of these a couple of months ago and am very impressed. Its called Purificup. It has a lot of advantages over other systems but there are 3 things that really stand out to me and are the main reasons I bought it. 1 it not only filters but it purifies. 2 It removes heavy metals and 3...
  2. T

    I think I'm addicted to knives

    Lol, Well I don't know that I am so much an addict as just a big user :). Am I in denial? I always carry at least 2 knives when I am in the wilderness and sometimes 3 but its more because I carry 1 big one for shelter building, chopping wood etc. Then I also carry a smaller knife for detailed...
  3. T

    Hello From Colorado

    hello all, I live at 7000 ft. along the front range of the Colorado Rockies. I am an avid outdoorsman, adventurer,scuba diver, and world traveler. I currently design and test survival kits and gear for a company that we will leave nameless for now but it gives me plenty of excuses to practice...