Hunting with the Camera

Northern Dancer

There is a lot more to hunting with a camera than I first thought.

First, I had to learn how to be still and quiet - a hard thing for me to do.

Second, I had to learn to be patient and wait for long periods - another hard thing for me to do.
Third, I had to adjust my attitude in terms of how I viewed wildlife.
Fourth - there isn't only wildlife but there is the environment that surrounds us.

And then there was the issue of a camera.

The good news is there has been such an advancement in cameras that you can't help being amazed. Even our portable telephones are amazing and have lots of features that make things simpler. There is a whole range of designs and prices that enable us to embrace possibilities.

And yes, you might be captivated by the awe of what you do and move on to big and better things. That's a bonus.


"Memories" Walking along the trail near Whiskey Rapids Dam.