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Obama "date" Clinton learn from what?
Obama's hobbies include playing basketball, drinking beer, playing BlackBerry, will play a few shots golf, but not really far from enthusiastic. However, recent Obama even wore billowing clouds, regardless of the storm notice, went to a dozen kilometers from the capital of Maryland Andrews Air Force Base golf course playing golf more than 4 hours, but the key is the ball with Obama's special - Former President Bill - Clinton - The Golf hardcore players. Obama this match up, Why? ugg boots cheap australia
White House spokesman under Clinton spokesman McKenna 25, say, two belong to the Democratic Party's presidential personal relationships extremely well. "Obama took office more than two years, they meet regularly on the national honor, responsibility and policy exchange of views." But sharp-eyed media immediately pointed out that Aoma Ba wanted to let Clinton help to promote a new stalemate in the deficit reduction plan passed by Congress. ugg boots cheap australian
Obama was not as good as the current situation: domestic and foreign affairs everywhere lose points, poll ratings was 41%. The other side, the presidential election approaching, warm atmosphere within the Republican Party, candidates aggressive. 24, a key Republican Florida poll started, the first black business owner pizza popular former governor Perry Kane beat, get 37% of the vote. ugg boots cheap classic cardy
Obama to restore the popularity stakes are the employment pressure in the $ 447 billion plan to make some compromises are inevitable Republican, but this may lead to the Democratic Party veteran and had to support him and his passion into the bottom of voter dissatisfaction with the White House black They believe that Obama give too much away from his campaign promises.
ABC 25, said at this time, Lara Clinton ties Obama to find, let him return and peacemaker, the consolidation of party unity, cohesion is essential to improve their own camp. "Haven Washington Post" said, playing a total of four individuals, in addition to Obama, Clinton, and Clinton White House Office of Daly and long-term consultants Bender, what they talk about, talk about how, being only they know. ugg boot sale online
In fact, Clinton is not better than recent days, former Vice President Mondale's daughter, a diary, and pulls out his old romantic old account. According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on September 21, United States, "National interrogators who reported" (National Enquirer) before exposure, said former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale • (Walter Mondale) • Mongolia on behalf of the daughter of Eleanor Seoul (Eleanor Mondale) have a secret diary, which detailed records of her with former U.S. President Bill • Clinton (Bill Clinton) affair. ugg boot new styles
Clinton in the Democratic Party is on both sides suffer, Obama hopes to settle their relationship may be the voice of the grudge, the backbone of the party is also to put pressure on Clinton, Missouri Rep. Cliff on the media that, if Clinton can not persuade Obama "insist (Democrat) principles", "to mobilize everyone directly into the White House."
In fact, as early as the end of Obama's budget to promote the adoption of the Republican Party to make concessions in exchange for a compromise, incurred in the Democratic Party afraid of dissatisfaction, specifically the Clinton White House press briefing room, please hold the line, the results of Obama's opening remarks just finished, the former president had been "widely sympathize." ugg boots online shopping
And Clinton has just a few mild criticism of Obama's deficit reduction plan "confusing," he says, "In the U.S. economic conditions improve, we should not increase taxes or reduce spending."

In addition, according to a Bloomberg survey, nearly two-thirds of respondents have a favorable impression of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama 45% higher than the rate of goodwill, which is the lowest Obama became president, the support rate . In fact, more than a third of respondents believe that if Hillary is to manage the United States, will be better than the present. Some analysts believe that Hillary Clinton challenges Barack Obama may be considering competing for the presidency. ugg
It seems that Obama and Clinton did a lot of topics to chat!
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