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  1. R

    Fire Log

    cool hehehehe these the first i can see that style
  2. R

    Dumb things you have seen people do in camp

    hahaha funny i was enjoying reading your experience.. well i don't have any to share about camping because i don't have any experience of camping..
  3. R

    Dog fight

    hehehe i dont have any problem of my dog because he dont bark.. i don't know he was friendly to all of our neighbor
  4. R


    i have a cat and i am worried because when she always give birth she ending kill her kitty..i dont know what to do..
  5. R

    Learning survival skills

    thank you for the information it is great.. and it really help me ..thank you again
  6. R

    What is the worst thing about camping?

    hahaha super agree to ppine.. go home is the worst thing of camping.. i will miss the activity and also the first time in your life that you try and do that particular things.