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  1. W

    Lemon Shine

    Dinosaur u r absolutely correct bout the ingredients. I made 10 Gals. 120 proof. It goes down smooth,then hits bottom with a thud,very great taste
  2. W

    Most weight you can carry ?

    I always carry btween 65-70Lbs. I have no problems with the weight. It is all about the distribution in your pack. Letting your shoulders carry the weight
  3. W

    I hope all like my profile. I am new to this site. I will get use to it so plz. be patient ty

    I hope all like my profile. I am new to this site. I will get use to it so plz. be patient ty
  4. W


    Hello fellow hikers i am in the process of completeting the AT. I occured a miniscus tear in my right knee on the last 30 yrds. from the road into Gr8t. Barrington,Mass. I started off at Delaware Water Gap going NOBO. Once i'm healed i will finish to Maine. Then start SOBO to Ga. My goal is to...
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    Appalachian Trail

    AT Injury Hello Rayne. I was hiking the AT NOBO bck in July-August when i slipped down mossy rocks. got torn miniscus in my right knee. Waiting for the healing to be complete so i can finish to maine then start SOBO. I made it from Delaware Water Gap- Gr8t. Barrington,Mass. I plan to finish...