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  1. P

    Pony Ride

    I hate seeing ponies and horses in the circus, it seems so sad to me. I love seeing animals in the wild or if they must be kept in captivity- with lots of room to run around. I'm more of a horse girl myself, probably because I can't fit on top of a pony, and wouldn't want to do that to the poor...
  2. P

    Do You Carry Much Fresh Meat With You...

    I take a cooler with ice if we're not going for a huge hike in the middle of no where, otherwise it's too heavy to bring a cooler. I usually have a BBQ for the first day/night and the meat stays well from the ice, plus the meat is slightly frozen for extra measure.
  3. P

    Interesting Artifacts!

    That's great, a bit of local history in our own backyard. I would love to find an artifact. When I was a kid my dad always was telling me off for digging up his back yard - I was trying to find dinosaur bones.... !
  4. P

    Potatoes and how to cook them?

    I like to wrap them in foil with a bit of salt, pepper and olive oil. Put them in the coals of the fire and wait about 1-2 hours. I like to make it a full a meal so we usually bring bacon and pineapple and top with sour cream!
  5. P

    Horseback Riding

    I'm thinking of teaching underadvantaged kids to ride horses. I have a huge property and most of it is going to waste. I have seen reports recently on children with Autism getting better when around horses. Do you think it's a good idea?
  6. P

    Fishing video games

    I think some of these games have a place in society, but really can't we just go out and fish for real? I realise this game could be used as a teaching tool, but whatever happened to getting out there in the outdoors and practicing for real?
  7. P

    Where to pack meds?

    I have those cooler bags that are insulated inside. You can get them in all sizes and shapes so you could fit your food in with the medication. If you don't like the idea of that just buy a small one big enough for the box.
  8. P

    Your Ideal Kayaking Conditions

    Ooh I'm not sure about kayaking in the ocean. The sea scares me and I hate the feeling of not knowing what's underneath me! I've only gone canoeing a few times in calm rivers with no dangerous creatures lurking in the water.
  9. P

    Scuba Diving - no air!

    I was watching a program over the weekend about a new adventure sport. Basically it's scuba diving without the oxygen bottle! People train religously to hold their breath under the water and swim in caves deep in the ocean. To me it's just madness, if something goes wrong you're done for. On the...
  10. P

    The woman who drown in the keys.

    That's the problem people go diving or swimming when they don't know how to. This is when danger stikes and I'm supprised people don't get this by now. It's terrible but maybe people will wake up and realise they need lessons and vital skills in order to do some of the more 'risky' sports.
  11. P

    Ever get you hook stuck?

    That's so frustrating when the hook gets stuck at the bottom on a rock or some other object. It always happends to me when my partner and I go fishing. He usually is the one to say 'give the rod to me, I'll fix it'. Where would I be without him!?
  12. P

    Pain from the bike seat

    It's the same for horse riding I've always found. By the time you get off the saddle/seat you're working like you're legs were bent at birth!
  13. P


    First off cats detroy the wildlife, second of all they might not ever come back to you after seeing how great it is in the wild! I'm not a cat fan and believe they should stay in the house to stop them from being a pest.
  14. P

    Calling all girls!

    I'm really in to it for the sake of my partner and I spending time together! Please don't tell him! I do enjoy the wildlife but most of the time find the silence and waiting booooooring!
  15. P


    I'm looking at buying a kayak, but am worried about damaging it whilst taking it out on the water. If I hit a rock I'm guessing it can be life threatning and I may sink. Also I'm guessing kayak repairs can cost an arm and a leg so is it worthwhile getting in to the whole set up?
  16. P

    Left overs?

    I was thinking what do people do with all the left overs from the animals carcas? Do you skin and gut them when you catch them or do you do it at home. If so do you have a special table for this and how do you clean up afterward?
  17. P


    Oh yes, I remember that terrible time my partner and I got lost. Looking back on it now it seems funny, but we were really starting to freak out as it was getting later and later. We set out in the morning and started out on a track but knowing me I decided we would start 'walking off this way'...
  18. P

    Freeze Dried Fruit

    I like dried fruit but have never had it frozen. I didn't even know you could get dried strawberries. I usually stick to dries apricots, pears and dates. Good for the internal system too if you know what I mean!
  19. P

    Horseback riding

    Well Just on Time, my dad was in to cattle but he sold the farm long ago and now is retired. He'd use the horses for rounding up the cattle which was great fun. He also had a small section of animals for us kids including a goat, sheep, a few pigs and chickens. We use to make cheese out of the...
  20. P

    "Wireless" Trailer or Vehicle Towing Lights

    I haven't got a set but my brother does and they really save time hooking them up. What a good invention whoever thought of it. It's always a problem having wires galore hanging from the trailer. Thumbs up!