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    Converted Schoolbus

    Like the bus in the Meet The Fockers movie. I love to have that kind of bus but I'm sure that it costs more than I can afford. Riding or sleeping in that kind of bus would be the nearest fulfillment of that dream to owning that bus.
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    Fishing With Just A Line And A Hook

    Have anyone tried this kind of fishing before? I saw one of the episodes of River Monsters and he fished using just a line and a hook. I'd like to try it but it seems like this kind of strategy will hurt the arms.
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    Building Forts

    This reminds me of my burned finger because of playing firecrackers. It was numb for a week. Anyhow, I think boys love to play with loud bangs but they don't want to be targeted so they build fortresses or castles to protect themselves. I guess grownup boys just fulfill their childhood dreams...
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    Improvised Compass

    Here are some of the things I know about directions. If the day is sunny then you can use the sun, rest at noon because it is hot and it is hard to know where is North, South, East, or West when the sun is at the top. You can find directions using the stars at night but better rest as well...
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    Bow Hunter Attacked By Bear

    I have bear spray but I hope I would never used it. It's a good thing that the man used his bear spray at the right time or else he might not survived the attack.
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    Preserving Small Animals

    Does anyone bring their small game catches to taxidermists to be preserved? Most preserved animals that I know of are from big game animals. Is it worth displaying small animals on the wall?
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    Meals Ready to Eat

    Bring chocolate bars or granola bars, if you are vegetarian, in your hike instead of MRE's. You don't die in three days without eating MRE's. Plus you will enjoy your meal when you get back home because I'm sure you're famished by that time.
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    I like to try building an igloo too. What material can you use in creating the blocks? How big should the blocks be so that it is not too light or too heavy for the igloo?
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    Determining Berries That Are Edible

    So when can I spend sometime searching for this berries with you dinosaur? :D I can determine strawberries and grapes in the wild but I'm doubtful with the other berries.
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    Water or Sports Drink

    I guess if this thread has been made into a poll, sports drink will still be zero. So I will cast my vote to water. I don't have to explain my reason because I guess everyone have made good points why water is better than sports drink.
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    Grabbed the wrong end of the stick

    This is a common mistake on camp fires. I also experienced this and I still have the scar of the burnt skin. By the way, what do you use for burnt skin? I applied toothpaste to cool off my burnt skin.
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    Making Your Own Trail

    Me and my friends often do this because this is where the real adventure is. We only do this on places where we know about the area and what lurks in that place.
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    What is the most important thing to bring on a hike?

    Myself! :D Sometimes I'm so lazy to go on a scheduled hike that I just go because I don't want to ruin the mood of my friends by not coming along. But even when I'm hiking already, I just think of my bed and I really can't enjoy the hike.
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    Good VideoTips!

    I agree! When you hike, you must carry goods and gears that are light in weight. You can carry canned goods if you wanted to have some more weight in your backpack for building up your leg muscles.
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    Hiking poles.

    I don't buy any hiking poles for nature provides them. I use the sticks that I find along the way if I am tired already. But oftentimes I hike without it.
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    What Outdoor Plans Do You Have For 2010?

    Just one day left and 2009 is history. What outdor plans do you have for the coming year? I'm planning to go to Africa for a safari tour but I'm undecided which country to visit. I want to meet the bushmen and see how they hunt with their primitive tools.
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    Eating Bugs

    Surviving in the wilderness is not easy. The show of Bear Grills often presents him eating bugs. It looks really awful and I guess it tastes awful as well. If you are in this situation, are you willing to eat bugs just to survive? Do you have the guts to eat them? I know I can't but I'm...
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    Pink guns

    That's exactly what I was thinking. I guess the trick in hunting is to make sure the wind is against you so the animal won't smell you. There is no problem with a pink gun as long as it shoots, right?
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    Take Nothing and Leave Nothing

    This is the most important rule when you go out into the wild. Many people tend to just throw the plastics bottles or wrappers while their in the wild. If people will keep doing this then someday there won't be a good scenery left for our kids to see.
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    Best Time For Fishing

    I get a lot of fish when its raining. I don't exactly know the reason for this but the fish will bite easily when there is rain. I noticed that the father of Bella, in New Moon, went fishing while its raining.