Search results

  1. B

    What's on your "must have" camping food list?

    I'm a junk food junkie when I go camping. Everything I avoid like the plague when I'm at home, is pretty much on the camping menu. Sandwiches, chips, cookies, and soda. If I'm lucky, I'll go with friends that enjoy cooking and I won't have to worry about it. When I cook, I need a real kitchen.
  2. B

    Bringing Dogs Camping

    I had a chihuahua when I was 19, and we used to take him camping all the time starting when he was 6 months old. Of course he was so small he was usually on someone's lap most of the time. The funniest part was his first time out in the boat, I think he believed water was a solid surface he...
  3. B

    If You Had The Opportunity...?

    I wouldn't want to do it. It's an ideal vacation, but when you do something day after day it becomes really old really fast. If that was my life, what would I do for vacation? Where would I go when I needed to get away from my routine? No, I think I'd prefer to save it for a vacation and...
  4. B

    Que Pasa Y'all?

    Thanks for the greeting Jason. What a great site!! I'm enjoying looking around and getting to know the place. And, I'm already comfortable enough to toss questions out there. Looking forward to seeing the answers and opinions. Oh, and thanks for the "intersting and unique" opinion of my...
  5. B

    Video Camera

    Can anyone recommend a good videocamera to take along on camping trips? Ideally, it'll be something lightweight enough to carry along on hikes, and it would be great if it did both video and still photography. I don't really need anything professional, just something to capture memories to...
  6. B

    Do you drink when you camp?

    I don't drink when I go camping. There's too much stuff out there to see without blurring my vision with alcohol. A couple of drinks and I couldn't enjoy anything. I love stargazing, going fishing, even just sitting quietly and thinking about absolutely nothing. I'll leave the alcohol for...
  7. B

    Que Pasa Y'all?

    Hello everyone, I'm Baleigh. I've taken much abuse over my name, but it is not my fault that my parents thought a weird spelling of Bailey would be cute. Odd, how many times I've been called ballet though. Anyway, I'm here looking for camping tips and advice and ready to share my...