Search results

  1. L

    How was your year?

    Just getting started good. Been more this year all ready than I have since I was a kid but looks like from now until November it will be in the woods every weekend. Some with Scouts and some with friends. To hot here in the summer to be outside much.
  2. L

    Removing Soot

    Soap on the outside works pretty good, that is what we have always done.
  3. L

    Visitor fees

    That's the good thing about setting up on no frills sites around here, no fees. $30 seems to be a good bit, wouldn't even cost that in a hotel for an extra person.
  4. L

    Dutch Oven or grille

    A Dutch Oven is the one piece of gear that I am really wanting to get again. I can't think of much that you can't cook with one and that we have not. What else can you use to bake cakes, simmer stews, fry up donuts, flip the lid over and cook a breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon all with one...