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  1. F

    Adventure Medical Kits - Anyone?

    That's a shame. It sounds like you are exactly the kind of person that I would like to come across in the field if I needed help!
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    Camping Abroad

    Unfortunately hotel rooms can be as scary as camp sites! I once went to Spain, and the place we stayed in-let's just say that it was NOTHING like the brochure showed!
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    Campfires as Protection

    What would you suggest in all then ChadTower? And if you do find yourself unexpectedly in this situation, how do you go about extracting yourself from the area if needs be (or is it safer to wait till daybreak)?
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    Camping Abroad

    We've been to France a number of times, and generally stayed in a static caravan park. The facilities were ok, and we had our privacy. It was close enough to the things that we wanted to do (hiking and so on-in the South of France, absolutely stunning place). Have you ever gone abroad and...
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    Camera Waterproofing

    I used a waterproofing kit for a compact camera that I had, and I wasn't that impressed with it. It was hard to hold and made operating the camera very hard. Bags that seal (such as ziploc) are better in my opinion.
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    Slow Hike and Teaching

    Not only that, but the perfect chance for them to learn some very important facts of life. Many kids seem shocked when they finally learn that animals are hunted and killed for food by other animals-I'd want my kids to know that it is simply a fact of life.
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    Adventure Medical Kits - Anyone?

    I bought a kit long ago and have kept replacing stuff since, so it uses the same case but nothing in it is original now. Kit contents expire so I use up what I can when I can.
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    Increasing Cramps

    So there are a number of things that I could be lacking? I guess I'll need to trial some different answers. Seems the rolaids might be a good start, washed down with a little gaitoraid. Thanks all.
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    Repair or Throw?

    If it's a good tent, repair it. That said, if it's old enough that you tore it just unpacking it, expect more damage soon. Repairs are simple, using a cloth tape for a smaller tear, or sewing first for a larger one then using the tape. You'll need to use seam sealer after, and make sure you...
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    I normally look forward to the sales in the winter, as the local shops tend to reduce their camping gear. Not so this year though, we didn't manage to pick anything up. Did you find any bargains?
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    Favorite Piece of Clothing?

    I'm fond of my merino wool socks too, but my favourite is a polar fleece jacket that I've had for 15 years. It's almost like a comfort blanket, I've had it that long.
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    Sun Protection

    I use Burt's Bees baby sunblock actually. I have pretty naff skin-it's got a good protection factor and doesn't cause eczema flair ups, or other problems.
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    Using your cell phone...

    I agree that you should basically forget it. But there's no harm in carrying one just in case family needs to get in touch. I have a sick relative, and it's nice to know that when I return to camp any messages would get through.
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    Increasing Cramps

    When I was around 16 I went through a bad spell of getting cramps in my thigh. It's started again-I'm much older. My diet is healthy-is there something I could be lacking?
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    Map and Compass

    Yes, I carry a map and compass for where ever I am going to be. I'm not necessarily all that good at reading them, but I carry them anyway, like a comfort blanket.
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    Care of Your Trailer

    I've never had to take care of a trailer. But you know, one time I unpacked my gear in Spring, ready for use, and I found that I had unfortunately left some supplies caught up inside..... oh my. Never again.
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    How Easy it is to get Lost

    I've been lost more times than I care to admit to. Most of the time a phone wouldn't work, but we manage to find our way so it's ok. It's harder in the car when you get lost.
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    Camera Safety

    I have a DSLR that I like to carry with me when I'm hiking. It's a Canon Rebel, and I have some decent lenses-so it makes it an expensive kit. How could I protect it from falls (if I fell)? I keep it in a Lowpro DSLR case that is form fitted, but it doesn't seem enough if it fell from neck...
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    Would you let your daughter hunt?

    Any man who would be willing to take their son hunting, should be willing to do the same. If a father can't see the huge potential in his daughter, and cannot see that she is every bit as capable as a male child, then I would feel sorry for that girl. As her father, you should be her biggest...
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    Things you had to learn the hard way

    I've learned to listen to my body. I can't take as much punishment as I used to, and I've paid the price of trying to keep up with younger people, or even my younger self.