Search results

  1. J

    Do you ever worry about theft?

    I had a bermes (spelling?) Mountain dog named roby, and he was very large for his breed. If you've ever seen a bermes, that statement should scare you. Roby was a great dog. I'd take him camping and hiking all the time. Sometimes I'd leave him at camp when I went to do something for a short...
  2. J

    Best tent you've ever had

    Whats the best tent you've ever had? For me it was my hillaberg Akto. Strong, weather resistent, good sized vestibule, and it was up in about 2 minutes. Best of all the rain fly was attached to the inner tent so even if I was setting it up in the rain it stayed dry. Unfortunately I lost it...
  3. J

    .....survival gear

    If its a bright color, signaling. If its cotton, charcloth. If youre a barefoot hippie (no offense) foot protection when walking through thorny areas. Sling shot. Climbing aid. Eye patch. Gloves. And really anything else you could use a strong flexible cloth for
  4. J

    Winter Camping

    I live in the mid west, and I hate the cold. Every year I say "I'm starting in doors this winter", but I always end up going out. When I do, I never take a tent. A lean to, or tarp shelter and a long fire will keep me toasty warm. For really cold nights I use a reflective blanket on the back...
  5. J

    Top 5 Pieces of Survival Gear

    Everything I listed could be used 1 handed besides the fire steel. Which I would then replace with a blast match.
  6. J

    Knife Sharpening

    I've always used a lansky diamond rod to hone all my knives, both field knives and kitchen. And its maintained a near perfect edge. Granted I also hone them twice a month. Even it they've gotten little use. But I highly recommend the diamond rod. I'm new to the forum and honestly haven't gotten...
  7. J

    Dumbest thing you've ever done while camping?

    On my first boating trip I thought I had everything I needed. Turns out I could have used a plastic bag to keep all my gear dry. hit a rock, over turned the boat, and soaked all the gear. Got myself and every thing else back in the boat, but a lot of food and some much needed dry clothes were...
  8. J

    What Did You Learn The Hard Way

    No matter how experienced you are, anyone can forget to bring toilet paper
  9. J

    Top 5 Pieces of Survival Gear

    Narrowing it down to 5 items would be hard, I keep more than that in my emergency pack. But I guess it would be. Cutting tool. Either a good solid knife or an axe. Combustion device. a fire steal would be my preference since it would still work when wet. A carrying implement. Something water...