Big Storms

Rider One

New Member
We're in the middle of a big storm right now that is putting a wrinkle in our fun. Have you ever been caught on the water when a big storm has popped up?
Storm at sea!

My most fearful storm was on Green Bay, Wisc. in a 36' full-keel sailboat we were bareboating for a week. We were about 2 miles from shore when a gale formed and we could not outrun it. We sailed into it trying to get away from shore as far as possible. It was severe with hail. We could barely see past the bow it was blowing rain so hard. We had to "lie a hull" with a storm jib and ride it out. Nearly lost the dingy, watch crystals broke from hail and we were bruised but we couldn't go below deck as it was too rough. Greatest fear was not knowing how fast we were drifting to shore and pileing up on the rocks. It lasted about 30 minutes and we had only drifted less than a mile. Lots of prayers were said that time. These are the experiences you remember!