Family and Friends Who Can't Swim


New Member
They make for fun times at any pond, lake, or beach because of the sheer insanity that can happen when they are that close to water. My aunt hates the water. She never learned to swim, yet I convinced her during our summer vacation to check out the beach anyway. I gave her a float to ride on, then set her adrift. She floated unchecked for an hour sunbathing and not knowing that the surf was pulling her deeper out to sea. Next I know, I hear screams when she finally realized that she was so far from the beach- a tiny little dot in the horizon. We had to go fetch her and tug her back to shore, laughing all the while.

Not to make fun of people who don't know how to swim but I think it's an important skill to master. You can't always rely on floats and buoys and all that floating equipment; You should always know how to swim back to shore.