If you couldn't go hiking, what would you do?


New Member
Las Vegas, NV
I absolutely LOVE the outdoors!! I especially love hiking and camping! But the problem is, is that I haven't gone hiking in months and i'm going nuts!! I use to go with my sister and her co-workers every Saturday to go hiking, and it was amazing. Now, no one has time, I have work and school, and I am deprived of hiking! What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Probably surf the internet checking out forums like this one, talk about how bored I am and how much I missed hiking. I could go and sort through all my gear and re-pack it, maybe re-supply my survival kit with fresh goodies. Right now I'm on a break from work until after the first of the year. The weather is really rotten and I can't seem to get in the mood to do anything outdoors right now. I could do some Geocaching, that would get me out for a bit...maybe later.


No offense, sarge, but that sounds like busywork and losthiker is 18 and lives in Vegas where the weather is great for hiking right now.

My advice would be, if you are not confident enough to go alone or simply want companionship while wandering, check to see if there are any youth groups or singles groups in your area who participate in this activity. The DNR might be able to help you, the local churches, the YMCA, The Salvation Army, or you might find a listing in the yellow pages. And let's not forget the internet search. I haven't been to Vegas in years or I'd round up a posse for you myself. Good luck and happy hiking.


New Member
There's always time to hike - OK, you may not be able to go for a whole weekend or even a whole day.

Also - don't depend on others as a motive to go hiking !

Even with the time restictions you can take yourself off for an hour's walk once or twice a week. Put some schoolwork onto your ipod to listen to as you walk.

If you walk regularly you will find that time for hiking will appear in your life - along with a while new group of hiking buddies.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
I live within the Jefferson NF in Virginia. From my upper decks I can see the highest Mt in Virgina, Mt Rogers , 5,729 ft. Also can see 2nd highest Mt in Virginia, WhiteTop Mt 5,525 ft.
So when I am not bagging a night out I can set, walk around my deck and take in the views. I also have a portable fire place I use regularly giving me an almost camp experience.
So if I ever get to where I cannot Backpack or camp, I will no doubt be on my DECK with a raging fire and Black Lab, Golden Retriever at my side.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh Vegas! It's been many years since I've been out that way. I'd definitely find the time to get out if I were there. I miss the desert! Right now I'm stuck in Chicago (far south suburbs), the motivational factors are at the all time low right now. But it's looking better for next week, mid 30's with Friday possibly hitting 51º. of course this is Chicago and that can change at the drop of a hat.

You're right Dinosaur, that does sound like a lot of work...have to re-think my plans here.


New Member
I'd go hiking alone, in fact I have been lot's of times, but if I was stuck at home for an extended period of time, I'd find some interesting places to visit as soon as I get the chance to go.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Saving the last bullet for the time I can go no more. ***joke***. Sorry lost hiker, no sympathy for you here. You live in an area where you can get out year round, even for an hour or two. Backpacker.com has a good forum to meet other area hikers too. They also had a good thread a while back about the do's and don'ts of hiking solo, especially around metro areas.


New Member
I would suggest just going outside and taking a walk, maybe at your nearest park. It's not nearly the same as hiking, but it's what I tend to do when I'm at school. I don't have a car, so going without other people is pretty much impossible while I'm at college, but there are a couple nice parks that I can spend time at if I'm feeling all closed in at the dorms.


New Member
Las Vegas, NV
Probably surf the internet checking out forums like this one, talk about how bored I am and how much I missed hiking. I could go and sort through all my gear and re-pack it, maybe re-supply my survival kit with fresh goodies. Right now I'm on a break from work until after the first of the year. The weather is really rotten and I can't seem to get in the mood to do anything outdoors right now. I could do some Geocaching, that would get me out for a bit...maybe later.
Actually, that is what I do, and it's not busy work at all. I like to take a look at my first aid kit and figure what I need to put in while watching man vs. wild or mantracker, I think it's fun!! I also collect flashlights, so when it's night time I turn off all the lights in the house just to play around with it. I signed up for this to read about ppls trips. And it's great. I'm only missing, the going out there part, which is the whole reason for this. hehahah
I guess I should have also put in the fact that I don't have a car, so that's why I would have to depend on others for transportation. I live 20 miles from any known trail. None of my friends like hiking. I would love to meet ppl online, like those websites where you can meet ppl who do what you do, but my mom won't allow that.
Here in vegas, i'd have to drive out far to enjoy any view, otherwise i would just get a view of the strip, which is Boring!! I prefer looking out in to the far and seeing nothing but trees, mountains, and the sky. :)


New Member
Taos, NM
Have you checked out your local chapter of the Sierra Club?? All chapters are online and most post the current hiking schedule with contact phone numbers for the hike leader. SC also has overnight back packing hikes. Most hikes are free with a nominal gas contribution for carpooling. Sierra Club hikes usually meet in a central location and promote car pooling to the trail head. Some chapters have designated hikes by age group. Enjoy.


New Member
East Tennessee
Actually, that is what I do, and it's not busy work at all. I like to take a look at my first aid kit and figure what I need to put in while watching man vs. wild or mantracker, I think it's fun!! I also collect flashlights, so when it's night time I turn off all the lights in the house just to play around with it. I signed up for this to read about ppls trips. And it's great. I'm only missing, the going out there part, which is the whole reason for this. hehahah
I guess I should have also put in the fact that I don't have a car, so that's why I would have to depend on others for transportation. I live 20 miles from any known trail. None of my friends like hiking. I would love to meet ppl online, like those websites where you can meet ppl who do what you do, but my mom won't allow that.
Here in vegas, i'd have to drive out far to enjoy any view, otherwise i would just get a view of the strip, which is Boring!! I prefer looking out in to the far and seeing nothing but trees, mountains, and the sky. :)
Maybe you can ask your mom to go hiking with you. She might like to get outside for some fresh air with you.


New Member
When I get to the point you describe, I pull out my boots and give them a good cleaning/polishing/waterproofing. After that, it becomes a priority to go hike somewhere!

Rider One

New Member
Go for long walks in your neighborhood seems like the answer to me. It may not be hiking, but it's still lots of fun to walk where you live, be out in the open air, and you might even meet some cool people.


Well,hiking around Vegas may not be the best advice. Like I said, I haven't been there in a while but it was pretty seedy when I was last there and it probably hasn't gotten any better. They don't call it Sin City for nothing. I was a major proponent for its' reputation. I don't do that any more. But I could tell you some tails.

I've also been in the desert and in the mountains around Las Vegas. Beautiful. I liked the area around a place called Pahrump (I think that's how it's spelled). That doesn't matter. Walking around in the desert is something you should do only if prepared, It's arid. You need water and you have to be properly clothed to avoid loss of fluids. Head gear is most important. You sweat a lot but taking your clothes off is a major mistake. Have a drink instead. A few ounces of water will rehydrate you and make you cognizant.

The mountains are a totally different story. I once drove up into the mountains around Las Vegas in the Winter while it was 75 degrees in the city so that I could build a snowman. I did it and even had a snowball fight with the girl I went with on this trek. I had a great time. So did she.

I kinda wish I was still there.