State Parks' Fees have increased


New Member
We went to Cloudland State Park in Georgia over the weekend and was disappointed to find out the parking fee has increased to $5.00 a visit. It was hard enough paying $3.00 a visit, much less $5.00. In a time where people are losing their jobs and the only outlet for entertainment is to take the family camping or for a hike; it is difficult to pay increasing state park fees. It is all some of us can do to pack a picnic lunch, fill up the tank with gas (as some of these parks are out of the way) and take a drive to spend the day with our families.

I can understand that the parks have expenses as well. Surely, there are alternatives to charging increasing parking fees. The government is giving so much money away to seemingly unimportant issues, why can't they give money to keep our natural parks going and giving our hard working families and tax payers a place to go and relax? For those who have lost jobs or are living on less income, a trip to the park can do a world of good to relieve stress and strengthen the bonds of a family.